Title: Baby Ohno (Chapter 21)
Pairings/Characters: Aiba/Sho, Ohno/Nino
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Beware of a cute baby Ohno in this story (although Ohno is always cute, baby or not ;)
Notes: I have to say it...This story is ending soon ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━ To be more exact, this story will have an overall 25 chapters in
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Comments 27
The sunrise moment was just too precious and the part where Aiba and Jun (and Sho) acted like Ohno's personal dolphin steeds on his boat. I have no idea why (but absolutely) love that Jun acts like a crazy daredevil *referring to him wanting to ride Ohno's boat* xD. Too bad Ohno can't stay as a baby for long (though I am starting to feel bad for Nino)...Jun would have probably tried to play with a tricycle that Sakuraiba bought for Ohno XD
I love sunrises- they really are beautiful- makes me ALMOST glad I was forced to wake up that early to see them XD hahaha.....Jun likes taking on a challenge...
Thank you for reading~
as expected, Aiba is master in this chap! hahahahahaha
that's fun!
Need more! hahaha 25 chaps! ganbare!!
There will be more on the camping.....and yeah, I can't believe how far I got along with this story...
Thank you for reading~
I'm glad they're having fun with the camp~ Even Nino did! (And yeah, I fear he will steal the chair away with him)
Cute NinoAi teaching even cuter baby-Satoshi how to walk~ XD
And Aiba-chan just showed his motherly side again! He really will make a great Mom!
Sho! Go adopt a baby for you and Masaki! LOL
Aww~ Too bad it's ending soon~ But on the other side, my curiousity as to how it will end will come soon!
Thanks for the update~
Yeah, they're all having fun- even Nino. Aiba would definitely make a good mom- ah, parent ;)
I promise to give it a decent ending!
Thank you for reading~
You definitely have to!
You're welcome~
Thank you so much for sharing this story 😃
I'm currently distracted by another fandom, but I'll do my best to get another chapter out soon...
Thank you for reading~
I've been distracted with another fandom right now so it's going to be a while till the next chapter will be up. Sorry, but one of my major flaws is that I get distracted easily and I have a hard time concentrating on more than one fandom at a time. When I start to calm down from my Sherlock hype, I will focus on my Arashi love again (it's been weeks since I watched any new Arashi shows XD)
Thank you for reading~
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