So I passive-aggressively
proposed a KBLY meme and W_10_00 pouted over my tsunderitude and then I said I would do it...eventually. First, I thought we should take a look at the categories and agree on some parameters for the lists. I would like to follow KBLY 2011 style as closely as possible, with the exception that our lists would be drawn from
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Comments 13
re: hetare - I've said this before, but I don't think Morinaga is the best example of hetare. I mean...he fails to get the relationship going anywhere, but I think that's due to his choice of uke more than his own shortcomings. Anyway, I (sort of?) defined hetare for cnj here (coincidentally, during a discussion of Stalemate).
I assume they are still main characters, and not the best older brother to a main character.
I believe they can be either, though I don't know many of the winners myself. I just checked Sugar Code and that character does have a brother who shows up, so I don't think it's the yakuza sense.
This is a category??
I don't know why it's "shining," just think of it as best female character.
Also: OHMYGOSH, I will TOTALLY fill out the KBLY questionnaire! Sheesh, that list is long, though.
I believe they can be either
So for all categories other than seme or uke, the winners can be side characters? (I guess, technically, the semes and ukes could be side characters, too, but we live in a sad, sad world if picking the 5 best semes and ukes in the history of BL manga leaves anyone with enough room to include a side character. My uke list is overflowing.)
Well, that would make me feel less guilty about skipping the S and M categories.
re: brothers - you know what, forget what I said. I just checked back on all of them (except Natural Doggy's Diary, which I have not read and don't own) and they are all main characters. A lot of times I read KBLY before I've read most of the titles in it, and I guess for some reason I assumed the brother categories were like subcategories for the best side character one? As in, best older and younger brother of the main characters? But it's not that at all, so just ignore me.
I was actually expecting everyone except me to skip those, and I was only going to do 1 winner for each because I have the best masochist ever lined up. I'm desperately trying to find a sadist I can tolerate.
So for every category except Best Side Character and Best Female Character, the winners should be main characters? Or just let each memer decide for herself? (Why am I so controlling?)
*happy for the return of the best-of meme, in any form*
I think it would also be fun to brainstorm additional categories (not necessarily for the first pass of the meme, but along the lines of "if you could have a category, what would it be?". Or was that already discussed in the previous comment thread? I'm so behind.
I'm inclined to keep it KBLY-pure because there are so many categories already, but that's only because you haven't yet seduced me with suggestions for new categories. What would you add?
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