- 17:21 The 3 or 4 mins Mesh?Pod has in WiFi range before I board #route92 is only enough to tempt me to get @VodaFoneNZ MiFi workin w/Mesh cache #
- 17:25 ...Also the batteries on the prototype nearlynet Mesh cache need work, as does pre-emptive caching of dynamic web content.. #html5 & Gears? #
- 19:07 @ bnolan :P I really enjoy being alive. Some mornings reinforce that for me. You may say I'm in <3 w/life. I'm not apologetic ;)
#noapologies # - 19:39 Heh, had me thinking of the other #3strikes law! RT @jo_mangee bot: NZs 1st strike issued under new law bit.ly/9exVpg /via #UHLeader. #
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