is it just me, or did this march break fly by far too quickly? i almost feel like it's hasn't even begun yet.
from sunday to tuesday i did the university trek, visiting ottawa (carleton) and kingston (queen's). then the rest of the break was filled with seeing friends, attempting (and failing) to do homework, and lazing around.
le mama and me on our driving adventure
yuan and sean looked loverly in crazy hats at yolanda's on wednesday night
jess and sean look clueless when they refuse to smile for pictures on the bus ride coming home from art gallery hopping on friday
we realized that day that jess and i had worn the same shirt (we forgot to call and plan!!)
in preparation for our upcoming regionals round, improv had practices today and thursday. of course, that translates into a lot of procrastinating, fooling around and LOTS of pictures taken.
on thursday at my house we...
took 'myspace pictures'
kendall straddled galen and gave him a massage.
ate cake!
yuan started his obsession with taking pictures of kendall.
sat around doing nothing but looking sexy and silly.
smiled for the camera!
then today at galens we...
sat and read
chatted with each other
played musical instruments
sat and waited for food (and had yuan take unsuspecting photos of us!)
actually discussed improv things!
realized grace is creepy!
confirmed our knowledge that kendall is creepy
had yuan continue his obsession with taking photos of kendall
loved each other and smiled for the camera
took humiliating, hilarious photos
the girls tried to have a nice moment cuddling together
it was so sweet that yuan had to capture it on film
until the moment was ruined by galen jumping on top of us all
so we proceeded to act out crazy pictures
and smile for the pretty camera!
wonder what improv practice is really like? then check out this video that yuan took!