-won Art and War, got porcelain17, imprisonment08, strawhats09, paint
-lost Art and War, got crew13
-lost Art and War, got imperialacademy09
-won Blackjack, got magician09, loveduet19, pencil
-won Blackjack, got luxpain10, recipes02, paint
-won Collecter, got hanakimi11, soldier20
-won Collecter, got recipes20, termina07
-won Collecter, got torches01, brokenwings14
-got Adventure in Wheel of Fortune, got waterlily19, sixteen04
-got Sci-Fi in Wheel of Fortune, got crew19, elderdragons07
-got Adventure in Wheel of Fortune, got imprisonment08, circumstances12
-lost Postcard, got moonfamily04
-won Postcard, got prejoin10, perfect20, pencil
-won Postcard, shinigami02, ivalice12, brush
-lost Lottery, got merrowssword16
-got 1 number correct in Lottery, got holysword01, perfect13
-lost Lottery, got birdcage07
-took wannabe05, battleground06 from Freebies
-took hostking02, greatganon16 from Freebies
-took suzaku20, fire17 from Freebies
-lost Commission, got butler14, synthesis16
-won Commission, got 1 coupon, redcrown14, ink
-won Commission, got 1 coupon, closedroom12, ink
-leveled up to Novice, got skipbeat01, skipbeat06, skipbeat14, crew02, gaea01, thefinalbattle16, pencil
-won Art and War, got evilacademy16, termina11, evilacademy03, paint
-lost Art and War, got cooking15
-won Art and War, got digicharat10, build20
-won Black Jack, got english03, kuroshitsuji01, brush
-won Black Jack, got picnic14, clueless01, brush
-won Black Jack, got partnersintime14, diva19, paint
-won Collector, got peace05, risingstars06
-won Collector, got gaea01, pirateking04
-won Collector, got valdia08, termina01
-got Sci-fi in Wheel of Fortune, got serenity02, beyond17
-got Fantasy in Wheel of Fortune, got mansbestfriend14, genuine02, twins16
-got Mystery in Wheel of Fortune, got illusionofbeauty05, ink
-won Commission, got 1 choice coupon, whistle01, ink
-won Commission, got 1 choice coupon, amaretto10, brush
-won Commission, got 1 choice coupon, shimmer09, pencil
-won Postcard, got withyou03, parakiss13, ink
-won Postcard, got elona05, soulart16, paint
-won Postcard, got eternalsnow09, masataka12, pencil
-got 0 numbers correct in Lottery, got hostclub01
-got 1 number correct in Lottery, got dualism15, stardrops15
-got 1 number correct in Lottery, got tornapart18, ivalice03
-took trinityblood11, chibi10 from Freebies
-took megami10, complex02 from Freebies
-took fire07, battleground13 from Freebies
-won Bargain Bin, got dream12, alliedforces12, mafia10, paint
-won Torn Cards, got lovers11, soldier19, clueless13, paint, ink
-won Puzzle series, got flower12, bookgirl18, passion13, sages03, elemia04, mirror01, 1 choice coupon, odst16, picnic10, peacemaker19, paint
-won Series ID, got day20, wannabe12, sticker19, 1 choice coupon
-took kuroshitsuji02, fuhgeddaboudit20, 2 choice coupons, 2 brushes for August birthday freebies
-joined, received starter pack of skipbeat03, 10, 17, miasma02, sinister15, sweetandspicy20, vectors11, zloan19, pen, and ink