The summer is over. I hate that. Such a pointless thing to allow myself to be bothered by since there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
I have a situation lately that's been just getting under my skin and driving me crazy. I told something to someone I thought I could trust, but I was obviously wrong, and they told it to someone else, who then told it to someone else, and somewhere in there it was turned into something it's not, and apparently it's making the rounds because I keep hearing that other people are asking if it's true. It's one of those rumors that starts with a seed of truth. But it's gotten out of control now, and it's not the rumor itself that bothers me, it's the fact that it got around in the first place. So the other day I "confronted" one of the people responsible for spreading it, because I was told that they were the one to tell the most recent person to ask if it was true, and that person totally just treated me as though I was the one trying to start some kind of high school drama he said she said thing. I'm so incredibly frustrated about the whole thing. I really don't like being condescended to. The conversation ended with this person saying to me, "I'm going to forget this was even brought up," as thought I ought to be ashamed or something. All I'm doing is trying to get to the bottom of this. This person has admitted to at least getting the thing started, so even if the most recent thing didn't stem from them, some of it did. And no, I don't presume to think that people even care about the rumor, but apparently a few do, because it keeps coming back to me. And I think what bothers me the most is just the fact that...A. people think they can make an assumption about a person and start telling other people that it's fact without even consulting the person it's about, and B. this whole thing was propagated by people I used to consider to be very dear friends.
I don't know what the point is in writing this all out, I'm just so frustrated by the whole thing, and getting it out in words on paper (kind of) sort of purges some of it from my mind, where it's been rolling around and festering for a long time now. It shouldn't even be a big deal, and it's not, it's just the treatment I'm getting from the people who first spread it that's bothering me. The original person won't even speak to me now, and the second person, the one I mentioned above, is acting like how dare I even mention it to them. In both cases as though I'm the one who's done something wrong here.
I'm just so frustrated. And angry, truth be told. I'm not trying to start drama, I'm trying to stop it. Maybe I'm blowing the whole thing out of proportion. But I just think I deserve better from people I thought were my friends. That's not so much to ask, is it?
I don't want this to be one of those ridiculous "put everything up on the internet so it becomes everybody's business" affairs, so I'm trying to be as vague as possible. Notice the non-gender-specific pronouns. I just, like I said, feel like maybe writing it all down will make me feel better. And maybe some of the people involved will read it and have a better understanding of where I'm coming from, because I feel misrepresented.
Maybe it's just a slow day in my world if I'm making such a big deal out of this. I don't know. I just wish I had known better than to have even opened my mouth in the first place. It sucks finding out the hard way that you can't trust someone.
But anyway...actually I guess that was all I really had to say. Maybe this is a growth experience because if it had happened a year ago, I probably would have felt badly about myself because of it. Now I'm just kinda pissed off. So...progress.