Notice the similarities: I always knew those cartoons were gay. Mmmmmm Jake Gyllenhaal - I'd do him. Actually I'd probably do Woody - bet he's flexible.
The letter meme that everyone's done, seems like a wonderful procrastination tool, Near gave me "I".
1. I, myself and me - Does this really need explanation?
2. Ice-cream - It can be licked off from all sorts of interesting places.
3. Ice- See above
4. Internet - Wonderful place, great porn. Seriously, the other day I came across a video clip of two brothers. The older one started by pimping out his younger brother's fuckhole to anyone interested and then preceded to fuck him blind himself. Who knew incest could be so hot!
5. Isaac Schlueter - Gave me my first blowjob, behind the bike sheds in secondary school, when we were 14. Learnt a lot from him.
6. Imperial - Sweet place. My roommate had fantastic abs. It's where I developed the habit of wandering around the room without clothes on, kept hoping he'd catch on.
7. Irish Gil King - ok, I'll admit, I like most boxers. Hunky guys dancing around each other, with plenty of inappropriate touching. What's not to like?
8. inappropriate touching - Yep, that should be a point all on it's own.
9. iPod nano - It's a great way of drowning out people I don't want to listen to.
10. Irish guys - It's the accent, sends me weak at the knees.
That's more difficult than it looks! If anyone still wants to do it, give me a shout.
ETA: Looks like the meme bug has well and truly bitten. Oh well, what else are Sunday afternoons for?
Ask me five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal. Silly is good too.
Suggested topics: (but go as wild as you want)
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. Livejournal/Fandom