You have just entered room "Chat 12273521552636142313."
TallestTeal: k
TallestTeal: WOO!
longlostwords890: o.O Hi...
TallestTeal: hi
sufferingpain666: i kno u hate me
sufferingpain666: get over it...
longlostwords890: Not really
TallestTeal: O_o
LazyBlondeBabe89 has entered the room.
longlostwords890: You haven't given me a reason to hate you...yet
sufferingpain666: u can now
LazyBlondeBabe89: well now i dont wanna
TallestTeal: ...Moo?
sufferingpain666: thatz knot wut josh sayz
sufferingpain666: he sayz u hate me
TallestTeal: Its because he called you a guy, Kels.
sufferingpain666: hahahahahaha
sufferingpain666: that wuz matt
TallestTeal: Oh.
sufferingpain666: on mi SN
TallestTeal: Well you both said it.
TallestTeal: Riiight
LazyBlondeBabe89: who are u guys
sufferingpain666: joe
TallestTeal: An alien
longlostwords890: A person
sufferingpain666: thatz josh ( tallest teal)
TallestTeal: nuuuu
TallestTeal: I'm an alien
sufferingpain666: haha w\e
TallestTeal: A perverted, zombie, cat-like alien.
LazyBlondeBabe89: whose longlostwords890
sufferingpain666: a KITTY
sufferingpain666: kelsy
sufferingpain666: i cant spell sry
LazyBlondeBabe89: kelsey who
longlostwords890: ugh
longlostwords890: A person named Kelsey. jeebus
sufferingpain666: jeebus
sufferingpain666: lmao
TallestTeal: I'm not usually the religious type, but if you're out there...SAVE ME SUPERMAN!
longlostwords890: Oi Vey, is it really that funny? lol
sufferingpain666: oi vey
sufferingpain666: omg
sufferingpain666: lmao
LazyBlondeBabe89: hey well i gotta go get ready
LazyBlondeBabe89: later
sufferingpain666: i havent said that 4 a long time
sufferingpain666: ok
sufferingpain666: bye
TallestTeal: bye
LazyBlondeBabe89 has left the room.
sufferingpain666: oi vey
sufferingpain666: hahahaha
TallestTeal: oi
sufferingpain666: u sound AZN
sufferingpain666: oiiiiii
longlostwords890: >.<
TallestTeal: Meah
TallestTeal: lol
TallestTeal: -Tackles Kelsey-
sufferingpain666: huh
longlostwords890: o.o
longlostwords890: -tackled-
sufferingpain666: MEEEAAAAAAHH
TallestTeal: Usually you are overjoyed when I tackle you. -poke-
longlostwords890: it was I'm still kinda nervous about whether I'm gonna get grounded or not.
longlostwords890: My parents seem pissed off at me
sufferingpain666: wut did u do?
longlostwords890: I stayed up waaay too late last night on the computer and i got caught
sufferingpain666: bum bum bummmmmmm
TallestTeal: >.<
TallestTeal: Shut up joe
sufferingpain666: kno really
sufferingpain666: that sux
longlostwords890: yeah, tell me about it
longlostwords890: wait, no don't...
longlostwords890: I don't want to hear about it
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: ok
longlostwords890: lol
TallestTeal: ((posted))
sufferingpain666: y the fuck do u say that
sufferingpain666: ?
TallestTeal: it was directed towards Kelsey.
TallestTeal: YOu can ignore it.
sufferingpain666: yeah but wutz it mean
TallestTeal: Its ont eh gaia thing.
TallestTeal: Nvm
sufferingpain666: ok...
longlostwords890: HaHa
sufferingpain666: invite ppl kelsey...
longlostwords890: y?
TallestTeal: he's too lame to do it himself
sufferingpain666: cuz we need more ppl to tlk to
TallestTeal: and no one is on my buddy list
sufferingpain666: haha
sufferingpain666: yeah
sufferingpain666: that to
sufferingpain666: i hate the ppl on mine they bug me
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: i can get thiz 1 dude that hatez every 1
TallestTeal: ok
longlostwords890: My friend Dillon said he'll join the chat in like, 5 minutes. He's funny as hell, he was in my class last year.
sufferingpain666: he'z funny all he sayz iz " K "
TallestTeal: ok
sufferingpain666: u can say shitt about him and all he will say iz " K "
TallestTeal: ok
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: damn
sufferingpain666: he wont come
TallestTeal: ?
TallestTeal: o
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: that fucker
TallestTeal: lmfao
sufferingpain666: i can get 1 ov camille'z friendz
TallestTeal: my dad is watching newlyweds
sufferingpain666: hahha
sufferingpain666: good timez
TallestTeal: and Jessica ordered a cheesecake
sufferingpain666: hahhahaha
TallestTeal: and she sed "I didn't expect it to be that big"
longlostwords890: My mum is singing...and talking to herself...
TallestTeal: and he aid "Isn't that waht you said on our wedding night?"
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: like woe
TallestTeal: oo
trunks563000 has entered the room.
trunks563000 has left the room.
sufferingpain666: damn
sufferingpain666: that fucker
TallestTeal: hahaha
sufferingpain666: i try agin
sufferingpain666: BWAHAHAHAHA
trunks563000 has entered the room.
sufferingpain666: hey
trunks563000: wtf
sufferingpain666: hahaha
sufferingpain666: sup?
trunks563000: who the fuck are you
sufferingpain666: a dude
sufferingpain666: u
TallestTeal: I'm an alien
trunks563000 has left the room.
iamdillong has entered the room.
TallestTeal: Woo.
sufferingpain666: hahaha
longlostwords890: Hi dillon
sufferingpain666: that fucjer
iamdillong: hey
sufferingpain666: fucker*
TallestTeal: Anyone besides me like mindless self indulgance?
sufferingpain666: i donno wut that meanz but o-well
TallestTeal: it's a band.
longlostwords890: Ow! Fucking hell, I just like, broke my foot! Dammit!!! >< Mindless Self Indulgence is pretty cool
TallestTeal: Aww. -hug-
sufferingpain666: :-\ that sux
TallestTeal: go there joe
sufferingpain666: ok...
longlostwords890: My foot hurts!
TallestTeal: Aww.
longlostwords890: it's like, the pain pain
iamdillong: cool beans
longlostwords890: no! bad
longlostwords890: monkies
TallestTeal: Pain tends to hurt.
TallestTeal: NO HOT BAD NO
sufferingpain666: ¥Ä¥
TallestTeal: Ich esse Ihren Kopf
sufferingpain666: o yeah
sufferingpain666: thiz band
TallestTeal: ?
sufferingpain666: i say them
TallestTeal: huh
sufferingpain666: saw*
TallestTeal: o
sufferingpain666: the link
TallestTeal: lol
TallestTeal: Watch TORNADO
TallestTeal: hella good
sufferingpain666: i did
TallestTeal: cool
sufferingpain666: hella sick band
TallestTeal: yes
sufferingpain666: i like AVENGED SEVONFOLD
sufferingpain666: better
TallestTeal: Argh.
sufferingpain666: wut muzic do u like dilldoe
longlostwords890: BAD RELIGION WILL RULE THE WORLD! They are the most kick-ass band ever.
sufferingpain666: dillon*
TallestTeal: Lmfao
TallestTeal: Dilldoe.
TallestTeal: Oh god.
TallestTeal: that's priceless.
TallestTeal: Click.
sufferingpain666: haha
sufferingpain666: manson will rule all!
iamdillong: yellowcard and stuff like that
TallestTeal: Manson will be prez
longlostwords890: No! Bad Religion will!
TallestTeal: Garr. yellowcard = teh sucl
sufferingpain666: yes
sufferingpain666: they do
longlostwords890: Yellowcard is cool ^^ I like some of their stuffs
TallestTeal: nuuuu!
longlostwords890: what?
sufferingpain666: hell the fuck kno
TallestTeal: It's just weird that they have a violinist
sufferingpain666: o i kno
longlostwords890: so what if i have fuckin' diverse taste in music?!
TallestTeal: Sorry!
sufferingpain666: damn
TallestTeal: -splodes-
sufferingpain666: pissy
TallestTeal: Fuck off joe
sufferingpain666: W|E man
sufferingpain666: damn
longlostwords890: Oi
TallestTeal: Let's talk about something else.
TallestTeal: like invader zim.
sufferingpain666: dilldoe
sufferingpain666: hahahaha
sufferingpain666: sry
sufferingpain666: thatz hell funny
iamdillong: i no
sufferingpain666: mi bad man
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: thatz just the way i am i make fun ov n e thing
sufferingpain666: ask josh
sufferingpain666: haha
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: good timez
TallestTeal: especially azn people
TallestTeal: Meah.
sufferingpain666: hahahahaha
sufferingpain666: HEEEHAWWWWW
TallestTeal: Bugawk.
TallestTeal: Good times
sufferingpain666: omg
sufferingpain666: yeah
sufferingpain666: good timez
TallestTeal: Dude, matt gets off grounding tuesday?
sufferingpain666: mabe
TallestTeal: k
iamdillong: spagetios r good
TallestTeal: We need to practice those other songs
sufferingpain666: yeah
TallestTeal: Like, the 6 of them we have
sufferingpain666: we got like 3-4 to do
TallestTeal: 6 or 7
TallestTeal: lol
sufferingpain666: damn
TallestTeal: oh wait
longlostwords890: You guys are...weird.
sufferingpain666: really
TallestTeal: 5
TallestTeal: lemme see...
sufferingpain666: yeah 5 i think
TallestTeal: Beautiful people, valentines day, kingkill 33, fight song, and...umm...
sufferingpain666: mabe fight song
TallestTeal: yeah
TallestTeal: Orgy is a cool band.
sufferingpain666: haha
sufferingpain666: yeah
sufferingpain666: ur good
sufferingpain666: o yeah
sufferingpain666: the white stripez 1
sufferingpain666: i hate it
sufferingpain666: but i can play it
TallestTeal: haha
longlostwords890: What's wrong with the White Stripes?
TallestTeal: they drop tune their instraments too much.
TallestTeal: Joe can't play them too good.
sufferingpain666: i hate the way they play guitar
longlostwords890: Oi
TallestTeal: We're gonna remake one of their songs.
sufferingpain666: hahaha
sufferingpain666: yeah
TallestTeal: And we have to add bass.
TallestTeal: Which is gonna be a bitch to do.
sufferingpain666: good luck
TallestTeal: thanks.
TallestTeal: -Thumbs up-
sufferingpain666: haha
sufferingpain666: yeah
TallestTeal: >.<
sufferingpain666: FUCK
sufferingpain666: matt cant get a drum set!!!!
TallestTeal: Fuck fuck shit fuck dooky poo
sufferingpain666: CUZ THE FUCKING MAIL BOX!
TallestTeal: SHIT
TallestTeal: ;-;
sufferingpain666: i thik we need a new drummer
sufferingpain666: this shitt SUCKZ
TallestTeal: aww
sufferingpain666: yeah
sufferingpain666: thiz sux
TallestTeal: >.<
sufferingpain666: u have to tell him
sufferingpain666: he'z out
sufferingpain666: u
TallestTeal: no
TallestTeal: u
sufferingpain666: hell kno
TallestTeal: u
TallestTeal: u
sufferingpain666: kelsey can do it
TallestTeal: u
TallestTeal: u
TallestTeal has left the room.