I'm going to have to say I loved this episode. I thought it was simply marvellous, even without Donna. It really wouldn't have worked with Donna, because then it would have made things go simpler for the Doctor, because she would have known what was going on. Er, I'm sure everyone knows that, so I won't go on about it.
I didn't think it was cliché, it was only cliché in the sense that he took the premise from a cliché and I think that you can do wonderful things from clichéd starting points and make it thrilling and interesting. I have to agree with the someone who said that this was how you do terror and panic, Steven really didn't pull this sort of thing off in SitL, the panic and the paranoia. I think this was possibly the only time I've ever enjoyed being irritated out of my mind, because honestly, I did think that entire conversation at the back was immensely grinding on the nerves, but I seriously thought this was how they would react and I loved it. It did go on a bit long, but I didn't mind.
Lesley Sharp was amazing, I think we can all agree there. As was everyone else. You wanted them all to shut up because that was clearly what they should have done, but that's because we were seeing this from the outside.
I didn't like the knocking, I agree, that was a bit... bland and done before, and the sparks and stuff was really... predicted. But as it went on, as Sky began to talk, the repeating was rather annoying, as it tends to be, but I thought it was wonderful how they all reacted to it, so I didn't mind. But then as she began talking with them, I began to love it. It was so terrifying for that first time.
I'll admit I felt the scene in the back went on a bit too long, I honestly wanted the Doctor to start giving them V signs while telling them to shove off, but I did love the gradual change from panic and paranoia of Sky to thoughts of murder, on and on, gradually into paranoia of the Doctor, because when he's just passing, as he so usually is, you never really think about him, but then you do, and he becomes the most frightening thing in the room. Because you don't know him, but you trust him anyway. I would think that scary, trusting someone I'd only barely met without realising why. But no one thinks about it, and they started to. And it was brilliant.
For such little done in this episode, it really started making my heart race. It was just the acting and the writing. No plot, but so much substance you sort of forget about the plot. I even loved the lighting, the way at the end, it was only Sky who was standing in the light, and the music. Murray Gold makes all of this work beautifully. I didn't look at the clock once in this episode, I was so absorbed in it, everything was just wonderful at speeding up and creating terror. I really was very afraid for the Doctor, I kept thinking that he was going to snap out of it, and then he didn't, and it honestly scared me.
And then... at the end. When no one knew her name. That was heart breaking.
Er, besides that, I did start yelling "Turn around you bloody idiot!" when Rose showed up.
Oh! Oh! Also. Coming from someone who despises green screen backgrounds, computer graphics and that cause it always looks so bloody fake to me (I hated the massive cavern thing in Runaway Bride, it was so obviously CGI I wanted to punch the screen) I thought the scenery in the cockpit when they opened the shields was absolutely breathtaking.
*sigh* I love this episode.
Next episode...
... Guys?
This is HONESTLY the ONLY episode this Series I'm going back and rewatching. I mean, I really have enjoyed this Series immensely, I've loved every episode except the Doctor's Daughter and Silence in the Library (but I loved Forest of the Dead, so shut up). It was just that amazing.
I've still got that little tingling in my bones from the sheer thrill.
RTD, I'm going to miss you.