Stuck in a closet! It won't open until you do something with that person stuck in there with you. ♥ Feel free to exceed that seven minute time limit, honhon.
[ so alarmed by the presence of another person within arm's length that he flails around and shrieks in alarm, smashing his head against the ceiling from standing up too straight. ]
[Because they are in a tiny closet and he basically just called Ed short, because he has been trying to turn the light on for the last few minutes.]
Ow - ! Watch -- that's my shoulder, Brother -- not [He hisses.] a good idea.
[He's shuffling among the closets many random items. Flailing among shoes and coats and what was fuzzy that was beneath his arm? Part of him wasn't sure wanted to know, but Ed's weight makes him clumsy and it's not long after Ed climbs his way up that he'll come crashing back down. Ow.]
But why? [ can you see it, Riku? see how, even in the dark, he's looking over his nails like they require more attention. ] You'd gotten yourself into them, surely you know how to get yourself out. I could just wind up making it worse. Tug on the wrong wire... get it a little too tight around your neck...
Comments 684
[ That's too low to be a light switch, excuse you. Bit of banging as Suzaku backs up against some shelves, oof. ]
Ahh-! Wh- sorry, I didn't-
[ Gingerly pats whatever's in front of him, finding it to be an elbow. ]
Ouch ...
[ That loud bang? One thick-headed ginger stepping backwards into the door-handle. ]
What the hell?
Are you okay?
[ Huffing, Ichigo tries to stare through the darkness. ]
Is there a light in here?
[ MIND THE SWORD ON HIS BACK as he turns around to look. ]
[ touching the walls behind him. ]
C'mon, there's gotta be a way out somewhere...
8> ]
Having trouble walking, radian?
Are you sure you don't want me to turn the light on for you?
I can get it just fine!
[ Okay, maybe not. But with Al standing so close, he can sort of use his brother as a ladder to climb up. Sorta.
Why are they trapped in here again? ]
Ow - ! Watch -- that's my shoulder, Brother -- not [He hisses.] a good idea.
[He's shuffling among the closets many random items. Flailing among shoes and coats and what was fuzzy that was beneath his arm? Part of him wasn't sure wanted to know, but Ed's weight makes him clumsy and it's not long after Ed climbs his way up that he'll come crashing back down. Ow.]
clapping ]
Well done. Remind me again how this was supposed to be productive?
[ :| ]
Just-- get me out of these.
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