So! Mokona has 108 special "skills" that it takes pride in having. Some of which aren't . . . so much skills as just silly things, but others are actually important! The following is what we know or so Wiki says
The ones with stars next to them are the ones we've seen in the manga or in Mokona's book. Otherwise they're from the anime or I forgot and will fix this when I review canon. 8D
Voice Imitation *
Translator *
Breaking In
Travel Between Worlds *
Super Disguise
See Ghosts Mokona doesn't actually have this ability! Black Mokona does. o/
Understanding Lonely People
Super Suction Power (able to vary the strength) *
Super Aspiration
Drawing Capabilities
Time Traveling
Feel the Feathers' Wavelength *
Tease *
Writing kanji (Black Mokona is good at it)*
Communicating Between Different Worlds *
Making Friends *
Super Strength *
Super Transformation *
Inhibit Magical Curses *
Teleport items between the Mokonas *
Immune to bad luck
Drink alcohol *
NCHA Cannon
Play Chess *
Knit *
Know when someone is sad. *
Blatantly and shamelessly stolen from here.