Alors voilà... J'ai trouvé les memes sur le LJ d'
angie_macleod et... je me suis vraiment régalée à les faire, AHAHA ! XD
Le premier ! ^^
Questions générales :
Years roleplaying : Heu.... parfois quelques scènes de GN, mais du RP "suivi", depuis un mois à peu près, LOL !
Dans la famille, "y a-t-il un de mes personnages qui pourrait"...
Comme Angie, je prends la question au sens d'un de mes personnages de mes histoires. Je ne fais pas du RP depuis suffisamment longtemps pour répondre correctement sinon ! :s
Sauter d'un pont ?
Heu... Avec ou sans parachute ou elastique ? LOL !
Alors, un suicidaire... *réflexion* Personne, lol... Ou alors Hiermened, si Teurkin le lui en donne l'ordre, AAAHAA !
Sinon, juste pour les sensations fortes : Alixea ? Mais bon, c'est pas trop son genre... A la limite, juste pour voir peut-être...
Tuer quelqu'un d'une façon pas du tout orthodoxe ?
... Ri-Boïs et Kâza-Da.... (Le premier l'a sûrement fait et le deuxième certainement !...)
Être trop "hyper" pour son propre bien ?
AHAHAHA !! Erewan et Fi'Um ! MDR !!
Se faire violer ?
O.o ! Heu... Aucun !! :o
Jouer dans un film d'horreur ?
Ri-Boïs... Il a le profil et le costume pour surgir de l'ombre avec un couteau ensanglanté AAHAHAHAAAHAHA !!
Jouer dans un film porno ?
Heu.... C'est pas un genre de film qui correspond trop à mes perso... Mais bon, s'il en faut un vraiment, heu... Angholen ? C'est le seul qui ne soit pas "fixé" et qui a des aventures.
Jouer dans un jeu vidéo ?
Alixea je pense. Mais alors un RP justement, AHAHAHA !
Faire de la Terre un monde meilleur ?
Erewan, sans l'ombre d'une contestation.
Lie chaque mot à un de tes personnages.
Amour : Fi'Um
Haine : Ri-Boïs
Argent : Teurkin
Séduction : Loa-Tia
Mensonges : Kâza-Da
Tragédie : Len'Nolen
Manipulation : Teurkin
Violence : Hiermened
Politique : Erewan
Feu : Erewan et Alixea, AHAHAHAHAHA !
Glace : Te'Ane
Bon, là je peux revenir au RP ! ;p
Pourrais-tu jouer...
Un(e) prostitué(e) ? Non
Un(e) musicienn(e) ? Oui
Un pilote ? De course : oui / d'avion : heu... oui, mais après des cours ou en simulation AHAHAHA !
Un(e) homosexuel(le) ? Oui
Un pédophile ? NON !!
Un(e) politicien(ne) ? Oui (et je pense même que ça m'éclaterait, lol)
Un personnage qui aurait commis un inceste ? Heu... ouarf, pourquoi pas, lol !
Je tag : TOUS LES RP QUI PASSERONT, MWAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh* (Oui, je pourrais jouer un génie du mal!!)
Et voici le second !! ^^
Go to and type in your answers to the following questions. Post the first definition it gives you. Tag 3 people.
1.) Your name ?
Amanda does NOT mean "A man DUH" it is a name which means
"Love" in the definations of name books.
Hi my name is Amanda yourself?
Arf !!
2.) Your age ?
The greatest number of all time.
Reasons why: It is...
1. a prime number, as are 2 and 3.
2. Michael Jordan's number.
3. the NBA record for most consecutive points scored by a single player in a game, done by none other than Michael Jordan.
4. the number of chromosomes in a human sperm or egg.
5. the angle between the earth's magnetic and rotational axis.
6. the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees N Latitude.
7. the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 degrees S Latitude.
8. a .com and the page is very cryptic.
9. the most quoted Psalm in the bible ("The Lord is my shepherd...")
10. the number of people executed in "A Tale of Two Cities"
11. the smallest number of people for which there is at least a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
12. the standard TCP/IP port for Telnet.
13. one of the "Lost" numbers on the television show....also the sum of two of the other numbers (8 & 15)and the solution to 42-15-4=23, all of which are also Lost numbers.
14. the number of times Caesar was stabbed in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
15. has been prominently featured in the following: Serendipity, Futurama, Star Wars A New Hope, Monty Python The Life of Brian, Seinfeld, The Big Lebowski, The Matrix Reloaded, and Die Hard III among MANY MANY other movies.
16. the number of flavors Dr. Pepper claims to be a blend of.
17. the number of distinct orientations of Tetris pieces.
18. the sum of U2, the greatest band ever. U is the 21st letter of the alphabet.
19. the number of letters in the latin alphabet.
20. the number of the Illuminati.
21. the letter W in the english alphabet, a letter with 2 points down and 3 points up.
22. the smallest number of integer sided boxes that tile a box such that no two boxes share a common length.
23. the only US president to serve between nonconsecutive terms of another president (23rd president Benjamin Harrison serving between Grover Cleveland's terms).
O.O Tout ça ???
Héhéhé... on finit par tomber sur l'alphabet latin quand même !!!! XD
3.) One of your friends ?
Claims to be anti-social but is the exact opposite. Very beautiful and one of a kind personality. Has fun just about all the time and can make you laugh when you least expect it. Enjoys playing halo and can kick ass in Guitar Hero 3. Has amazing talents with her mouth and can do just about anything with it. Most spectacular/lovable person you could ever meet.
She is so awesome;she has to be an Angie!
LOL !!
4.) What should you be doing ?
Rocket Propelled Grenade, you roleplaying geeks.
If you're in a combat situation and someone yells "RPG!", you're not supposed to take out and roll your dice.
LOOL !! Geek, ahahaha !
5.) Favorite color ?
A type of extra terrestrial being (alien). Usually the most common amongst alleged abductees. Also the type most commonly connoted with the Rosswell, New Mexico crash site.
Some believe Greys are of the same species of alien as Reptilian. This is debatable.
The Rosswell, NM crash site yielded several aliens. They were all Greys.
MDR ! ALIENS !! XD Des petits Thors !! ^^
6.) Birthplace ?
1) A Western European nation. Located slightly beneath Britain, in most or all senses.
2) Produces nice wine.
3) Produces nice cheese.
4) Produces shedloads of nuclear weapons, which are happily tested on small Pacific atolls home to endangered species of fish and pygmies.
5) The number one source of irritation for the rest of Europe. This manages to go unnoticed by many Americans, who assume the continent is a single amorphous blob.
6) Also the number one source of contention for the United States, having replaced the Soviet Union.
7) Has an annoying accent.
8) Dislikes British beef. This, as theory and experiment have shown, is due to France's argumentative and overly vegetarian wussiness and has nothing whatsoever to do with life-threatening brain disease.
9) Dislikes Germany, for invading it repeatedly and being German.
10) Dislikes Britain for constant warfare, political disagreement and out of habit.
11) Dislikes the United States for its competition in the 'irritating accents' league table and also for having more nuclear weapons and cheese than France.
12) Dislikes.... well, most things, actually.
13) Is a thoroughly splendid country.
14) Is filled with thoroughly un-splendid French people.
"Oh hell. France has blocked the channel tunnel again."
LOL !! Ouais, la France irrite et les français sont des râleurs qui n'aiment pas grand chose !!! XD
7.) Month of your birth ?
- what day is it?
- ...october...
LOOOL ! MDR ! Non, je n'étais pas au courant, AHAHAHA !
8.) Last person you talked to ?
Angie ... Vue à la question 3 ! LOL ! ^^
9.) One of your nicknames ?
Pretty much a god in human form. Nori can do no wrong, and is perfect in everyway. It is when one is so so good at something that they must be compared to the Superhuman lifeform that is "Nori". Also Nori tends to be a demon in the sack, seeing as how his name is "Iron" backwards, I won't say what part of his body is iron, but it should be self explanatory.
"Ey yo scyro, you like the Nori of Streetball nigga"
"Thanks, but I'll never be nearly as good as Nori."
"EY YO CHRIS, where you goin homez?"
"I'm going to go suck Nori's Iron Manhood"
OMG, C'est dans l'urbandictionary !! LOL !!!! Je savais que c'était un nain dans Bilbo le Hobbit de Tolkien, mais je ne m'attendais pas à cette définition ! XD
C'était vraiment sympa à faire ! ^^
Aux prochains tests alors !! ;p
Man'La d'Atlantis