Theo: Jaaaade. >.>
Jade: Theeeeeo. :hands him Opal:
Theo: *cuddles* So that's what decapitation is like.
Jade: Rather unpleasant, the way I understand. :thinks: No, I managed to not experience that one. Poisoning, dragon, apocalypse, flash-frying, yes, but no decapitation
Theo: Lesse. Crushing/internal bleeding, drowning, broken neck and now this. I wonder what I should do for my next trick.
Jade: How about stay alive?
Theo: if you want to be *boring*... *coos at Opal* socute.
Jade: :proud look: She is. Would you like some tea?
Theo: yes please. So. About how I'll be coming back to the mortal coil. Etc. >.>
Jade: :pours him tea: You want to go back to being alive?
Theo: Not really. I tried getting used to it last week and I don't think I'll manage it very successfully.
Jade: All right. I think the being dead-yet-warm thing should work now. If you start turning blue again, you'll have to be alive
Theo: *nods* thank you.
Jade: Were you in a hurry about this, or did you want to keep playing with Opal for a bit?
Theo: no hurry. I'm fairly sure my body hasn't even been found yet.
Jade: Good enough. :sips tea: Just let me know, all right? I think I may have to go fetch Eomer at some point
Theo: he still dead? Underachiever.
Jade: :amused: For the moment. I think he'd like to come back, only as you can see :gestures: he's not here.
Theo: Speaking of people here. Can I bribe you to keep Frealaf longer?
Jade: Him? He hasn't submitted a form yet, so you don't really need to worry
Theo: >.> still
Jade: I can try, I suppose
Theo: Be appreciated. *plays with Opal*
Jade: Ok. :watches them with a smile:
Theo: good little granddaughter.
Jade: She usually is
Theo: not going to grow up like her father, is she?
Jade: I doubt it. I will attempt to curtail all character traits that will lead to the burning of offspring
Theo: it is the responsible thing to do
Jade: I've always thought so
Theo: caught any of the missing fangirls?
Jade: Not yet. I expect they'll all be back here at some point
Theo: or taking over various countries.
Jade: Fangirls have a limited lifespan. Eventually they either piss people off or die tragically for maximun angst
Theo: >.> perhaps!
Jade: Do you know something I don't?
Theo: just my inherent wish to see Arvedui's face if he comes back to a fangirl ruling Arthedain
Jade: Ah. Well, that could happen
Theo: you know, I think he'll be the one to send me back here.
Jade: Arvedui? Maybe
Theo: he's a fussy little old person.
Jade: I'd gathered that from the tapestries
Theo: He's fun to screw with. :D
Jade: I noticed that you think so. I'd rather he didn't kill you, though
Theo: eh, I could probably take him.
Jade: You ought to have been able to take that bitch who killed you. Why are Earth didn't you have your sword?
Theo: because I was just visiting Hani...
Jade: Theo, please understand I say this with the greatest of respect. You were in MT, which was being run by a wraith and menaced by dragons. Being armed should have been a foregone conclusion
Theo: Ialsolostmyswordagain
Jade: :rubs temples: Would you like a sword, pa-in-law?
Theo: *sulk* I have a sword. It's just misplaced.
Jade: I'm trying to suppress my normal inclination to stare at you as though you're insane that you'd let your sword out of your sight, because I know that's the trained warrior in me and wouldn't be helpful. Let me rephrase. Would you like to borrow a sword until you find your own?
Theo: I'll not need it that much if I come back dead. And I think Arvedui has it, now that I think about it.
Jade: Dead or not, you ought to be able to protect yourself.
Theo: I'm forgetful
Jade: I think this is the point where I'm supposed to freak out and start lecturing you about taking care of yourself and how being in a female body doesn't mean you're any weaker than in a male body, but I think I'd rather drink tea
Theo: tea is good.
Jade: yes. :sips tea:
Bet my body is *still* in that damn alley.