Nov 01, 2008 02:20
"What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. This is bad for everyone; the majority lose all genuine taste of their own, and the minority become cultural snobs."
-W H Auden
Oct 28, 2008 03:31
"The goals we pursue are always veiled. A girl who longs for marriage longs for something she knows nothing about. The boy who hankers after fame has no idea what fame is. The thing that gives us our every move its meaning is always totally unknown to us."
Oct 26, 2008 08:50
god.. have not slept...
Oct 25, 2008 00:52
And as I gently sip this drink,
I think about my lack of future,
And all the places I could learn to fall in love.
I know I shouldn't waste my time,
Wishing I'd been better designed,
yet for some reason still think
I am wrecked. I am overblown.
We dream big, but act small.
The higher you jump, the harder you fall.
So should we jump at all..