[ Private to Self || Hard To Hack ]
10 more battles since the last entry, plenty of tags and battle scars now but no Royal Flush cards. This is going to be a lot harder and more time-consuming than I'd anticipated. Unless, of course, the whole point was to get us unwanted i-jin killing one-another with no goal or end in sight. If Giacomo had that in mind, I'll do the man credit: that's pretty clever.
So far I haven't seen anybody else with a Royal Flush tag that wasn't a serious high roller. Keeping my Queen and my King concealed is probably the only reason I've not had my ass kicked too badly just yet. I don't suppose it'll do me any good if I look for some one-on-one training with somebody... the only people with high quality killing and defense skills are probably in Igura already, and they'll sooner kill me and take my cards than teach me something. And here I am, writing in a digital diary about it
[ Private to Self || Double Locked - Unhackable ]
because I don't want Matt to lose her mind worrying. She cares an awful lot more than I'd anticipated... I wonder if she had somethin' going with her Mello?[ /Private ]
The date's right, so I'm just gonna' say it - Happy Birthday to the Matts. Wormholes may have made you older and that may be a lot of bullshit, but the date still counts for a celebration and I'm all for it. The bounty from Igura has been pretty nice, so who knows? You might be getting something.
And for the record, for the boy one- there had better be more than just videogames at your party.
As for the rest of you lot, I have something to ask: do any of us murderers have royal flush cards to our names, or are those things just a beautiful fairytale to keep us blithely gutting one-another?