This song is about Kevin Spacey

Apr 27, 2005 23:38

Cake was Caked.

Also there was Gomez, of whom I never before heard had. Gomez was six people, which is clearly excessive, but none of them seemed inclined to be extraneous, so I guess they didn't have much room for trimming. One guy, who wore something like a leisure suit and played an acoustic guitar more often than not, and whom I thus call "Acoustic Guy", was very excited. He was bouncing all over the place, either doing something or on his way to doing something. If neither was possible, he would just bounce in place and gesture madly at the audience. He was good fun. Gomez was loud, in that way the kids seem to like, but I was not perturbed, because it drowned out the ceaseless chatter of the lady two seats back and one to the left. Gomez bantered with the crowd amusingly also, especially about the pronunciation of "isthmus". Perhaps in England they do not have this word.

Then was Cake. Cake stood on Persian rugs. Cake made Cake noises. Cake created a chorus of primal gender frustration. Vikings and SUVs were mentioned. Here are songs that might have been heard by an astute listener:

Sheep Go to Heaven
Frank Sinatra
Satan Is My Motor ("Christians, sing along! It's a metaphor!")
Comfort Eagle
Stickshifts and Safetybelts
Ruby Sees All
Carbon Monoxide
Is This Love?
No Phone
Mexico (their banter had led me to believe they were about to begin Sad Songs and Waltzes, so that is what I wrote down, but it was a lie)
Never There
The Distance

That was all before they left the stage, which is when I got up and also left. They may have encored; I wanted to get out before the people started getting in my way. My timing was good, because two minutes after I left the 3 went by, and the 3 is my bus.

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