Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What rank would
kuzzeybullrider have in a giant robot army? special agent
2) When did you last call
betterthanmindy? couple days ago
3) Is
betterthanmindy related to you? no
4) What mental disorder does
ryu17 remind you of? (not a mental disorder) ADD
5) What word best describes
kuzzeybullrider? different
6) What do you agree with
betterthanmindy about? time zones
7) What planet should
kuzzeybullrider be from? future earth
8) Have you flirted with
superheromindy? maybe...?
9) Would you set up
ryu17 and
superheromindy? no...ryu17 would die
10) Is
ryu17 athletic? mentally
11) Where was
kuzzeybullrider born? japan...she wishes!
12) Do you have
superheromindy's screenname? most likely
13) Are
ryu17 and
kuzzeybullrider married? no...hell no!
betterthanmindy's hair color?
15) Do
ryu17 and
betterthanmindy go to the same school? did
16) Which of your friends should
betterthanmindy go out with?
17) Where was
superheromindy born? in my heart...effen love you!
18) What languages does
betterthanmindy speak? texan...southern...english
19) Is
kuzzeybullrider dead sexy? ultra...with out a doubt
20) Is
betterthanmindy 1337? what is 1337?
21) What is
superheromindy's shoe size? ...8...?
22) Is
ryu17 a high school student? barely
23) What is
superheromindy's favorite movie? bambi...hey...hey
24) What is
superheromindy's biggest flaw? she can't drive
25) What color should
kuzzeybullrider dye their hair? blue
26) Where did you first meet
ryu17? in drama
27) How long have you known
superheromindy? since middle school
28) How many monkeys could
ryu17 fight at once and win against? .5 if he has a sword...he would hurt himself!
29) Could you see
ryu17 and
kuzzeybullrider together? for maybe a week
30) Are
ryu17 and
superheromindy going out? not a chance