your mom is fucking insane. get out as soon as possible... please. for your OWN sake. she's bringing you down and as soon as she's out of your life you'll feel so much better. please please please... what she's doing to you is so disturbing and wrong. :(
please. seriously? get out. no matter how hard it is. find a shitty small apartment and just GET OUT.
no one thinks you're what your mom says. your friends know that you're a wonderful, artistic, creative, insightful, hilarious person. just don't let her thoughts get to you... never believe them. just keep on trucking and know that she's fucked up
sorry, i just get so worried about parents who psychologically damage their children without even giving a shit... that's not what mothers are supposed to do :(
and you DON'T have mental problems. you need to get in therapy ASAP. you have had a fucked up childhood being raised by such a fucking cunt. don't let you or anyone tell you there is something wrong with you. you have the key to shrugging these statements off and not letting them affect you. as hard as it may be, just acknowledge that it's her and NOT you. and girls do TOO like fat guys. you're a great guy. even if we only dated a short short short time, you're a good guy. don't ever let anyone change your mind on that. not a girl, not your mother, not ANYONE.
ok sorry for the ridiculous encouragement and motivational comment... my insides just churn and churn when you talk about her. *sigh*
oh i read this wrong. i thought you said you did have a mental problem... and dear god please don't kill yourself. if you're ever feeling suicidal just give me a call. seriously. i was researching how to buy a gun for a while because i wanted to shoot my brains out, but living is so much better. life WILL get better. ahhhhhhhhhhh :(:(:(
Comments 3
please. seriously? get out. no matter how hard it is. find a shitty small apartment and just GET OUT.
no one thinks you're what your mom says. your friends know that you're a wonderful, artistic, creative, insightful, hilarious person. just don't let her thoughts get to you... never believe them. just keep on trucking and know that she's fucked up
sorry, i just get so worried about parents who psychologically damage their children without even giving a shit... that's not what mothers are supposed to do :(
ok sorry for the ridiculous encouragement and motivational comment... my insides just churn and churn when you talk about her. *sigh*
sorry i'm all worked up now. fuck.
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