Hmn... Interesting

Sep 12, 2006 01:16

Well, I think I've managed to cram two years of heavy drinking damage to my liver in just under a month. I'm amazed. I've managed to get smashed (or pissed, as the British call it) almost every night since I've moved. Its actually helping out my sleeping patters, which is good, but its also making me fear that I'm turning into my mother, which is bad.

Things are starting to cool down now, though, and I think that I'm going to hold off on drinking for a while.

So, I got a call from my mom today out of the blue. She's buying me a car. Isn't that dandy? I thought so. Dandy dandy dandy. She's willing to shell out $2000 dollars which is enough to buy a half-way decent beater (shitmobile) which is really all I want. That or a hearse. With a coffin minibar. But, that can wait.

I'm employed. :) Papa Murphy's. I rock.

So, lately I've been noticing increased attention from the opposite sex. What's even more surprising is the fact that they've all been (for the most part) exceptionally attractive. Oddly, I'm not really interested. I've got a year without sex and would just as soon go on without it. I'm more interested in a meaningful relationship with someone who I get along with and who I at least find somewhat intellegent (no offence to the cute stupid girls that have been hitting on me, but, well, let's face it... they're stupid). I'd have never guessed myself to turn down sex. Especially with, quite honestly, girls that I'd normally believe to be waaaay out of my league.

I'm not entirely sure how to react to this attention. Maybe its always been there and I've just been too wrapped up in myself to notice. Or maybe its always been there and I've just been zombified by eight months in Purgatory.

At any rate, I'm not interested unless its going somewhere on a romantic level. I'm just not interested in anything less. Meaningless sex is just that. Meaningless.

And, I appologize. I don't normally talk about my sex life on here. Well... that's likely because I didn't have much of one before. Well, technically, I still don't have much of one because I've been turning down offers... So... I appologize for talking about my lack of a sex life. But, in a good way. Lack is good... Eh, for me, that is.

"Just shut up Alex."


Isn't HTML awesome? I love lj-cuts. They're like... superawesomemegauberamazingcoolable. Pwned.
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