Non-challenge: A Policeman's Tale (Day 32)

Mar 13, 2009 20:23

Title: A Policeman's Tale (Day 32)
Author: ytak
Word count:  1132
Rating (chapter):  K+ (PG)  
Rating (whole story):  T (PG-13)
Comments: Imagine the "Mission Impossible" theme music for the first couple of paragraphs.  It was on my mind when I was writing it.
Other chapters can be read through here or here.

Day 32

Takagi looked around nervously. The text instructions he had received had been explicit. He was to watch out for a woman in a long blue (straight blue, not navy or dark). If he saw he leaving the address, it was okay to move in. If she went in instead or refused to leave, then he was to abort his mission.

He nearly jerked back as the woman exited from the address. She turned back to say something to another person in there. Her motions indicated that she was worried but she left after what looked like was some convincing argument from the person Takagi could not see. She walked away from the address, throwing a few worried glances back before she descended the stairs and let herself into an familiar car.

He watched her throw one more worried glance back at the address before climbing into the car and driving off.

For a moment, Takagi wanted to let out a sighed of relief. Instead, he walked up the stairs that lead to the address, carrying his cell phone in one hand and, in the other, he held a fast-food bag.

Tentatively, he reached over to ring the door bell but the door flew open and he was pulled in by his tie. He stumbled a bit across the floor as the bag was pulled from his hand. It almost sounded like the bag was being torn apart by a pack of wolves.

Takagi rubbed his neck a little as he looked up at his 'assailant.' “I take it you're feeling better, Sato-san,” he said, making it more of a statement rather than a question.

“Mmmm,” she agreed as she bit into the hamburger, a look of ecstasy spread across her face. She took a moment to swallow before she gave him a proper answer. “Much better but mother was absolutely fanatical that I not go into work today and that I eat only broth and yogurt, conveniently forgetting that I recover quickly from stomach bugs.” She took another bite of the burger (but a much smaller one this time). “You are an absolute lifesaver. I'd show you just how much I appreciate the food but I don't want to take the chance of getting you sick.”

Takagi could feel himself heat up at the thought of her showing her appreciation. Especially since she had hinted (or was that that basically yelling when it came to flirting?) that she was afraid of getting him sick as a result.

They stood there for a moment when Sato stopped just as she was raising the burger to her mouth for another bite. “Where are my manners. Come on in,” she said, leading him to a cozy room with a kotatsu and floor cushions. He followed her example and sat down, tucking his legs under the warm table. “Wataru...,” she growled, “Didn't you get yourself anything?”

“Umm, I was going to but I forgot when I got up there.” I didn't want to mess up your order, he thought. “Ah, don't worry, I'll eat when I get home,” he said, trying to mollify her. She continued to stare intently at him.

“I was surprised to get your 'orders' at work,” he said, trying to find something to talk about that would stop her from staring.

She laughed a little. “I knew it would be better than calling you. It can be to nosy there to get anything done.”

“Don't you mean 'noisy?” Takagi asked.

She shook her head and gave him a flirty smile, “No, nosy. There's Yumi and all the detectives. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. Like I said, nosy.”

He laughed and shook his head in agreement. “That's true.” They still were nosy. 'What you got there, Takagi-kun?' 'Who's it from, Takagi-kun?' Some of the questions were just plain embarrassing. I'm just glad I could switch to a text from Chiba before any of them saw I had one from Miwako-san.

They both jumped when the phone rang. “Just a moment,” Sato said, grabbing the phone.

“Hello?” Frustration and panic crossed her face, “It was canceled? And you'll be home in just a few minutes? Are you sure you want to come home? I'm not the best patient.” She made shooing motions at Takagi. “Okay, fine, but could you please pick up some more of that juice? Please?” She looked a little relieved, “Thank you. See you in fifteen minutes.”

Sato hung up and put the phone on the table. Then she dropped her head to the table with a satisfying 'thunk.' Takagi heard her mumbling but could not make out what she was saying.

“Umm, Miwako-san? Are you okay?” he asked, reaching over and putting a hand on her shoulder. She reached up with a hand and grabbed his hand as she sat back up. “Is it too much to want some quality time with you?” frustration evident in her voice and on her face. She shook her head, “Never mind, we'll make time in the future.” She quietly added, “Somehow.”

Takagi frowned and moved closer. She smiled at him,”Sorry, I'm going to have to kick you out. I'm not ready to have you meet my mother yet. Oh, here, take the fries. Have yourself something completely unhealthy. I need to finish this burgur.”

“Won't the smell make her suspicious?” Takagi asked.

Sato shrugged, “I'll just pretend like I don't smell it.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “I don't want to drive you off but my mother just might show up early. I'll see you at work tomorrow.” He heard her mutter, “Even if I have to sneak past my mother and drive her to the funny farm tonight.”

He pulled his coat back on, while trying to remember taking it off in the first place, and then pulled his shoes on. “I'll see you tomorrow, Miwako-san.”

She gave him a wave as he slipped out the door and down the stairs. He felt a moment of panic as he passed the woman he knew (now) was her mother. But she only glanced at him as she passed him on that stairs, a sack dangling from one hand.

Miwako-san was right. I wonder what her mother would think of me? He the thought of turning back and introducing himself passed through his mind but he quickly abolished the thought. I'm sure she has a reason for not wanting me to meet her mother. Wait..., I think she said yet. That means that'll she will have me meet her mother at some point! The thought scared him a little but made him excited at the same time. I wish my parents lived close enough for me to introduce them. I know they'd like Miwako-san.

ytak, fanfic-nonchallenge

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