Title: A Policeman's Tale (Day 58)
Author: ytak
Word count: 1060
Rating (chapter): K+ (PG)
Rating (whole story): K+ (PG)
Comments: This chapter is more of a cliff hanger than the previous one. :) Still not sure how people are going to like the ending of the whole story but it works for me.
Other chapters can be read through
here or
Day 58
Food sat untouched on a plate. Takagi stared off into space. He played with the fork absently, drawing invisible pictures in the air. He looked down at the plate and moved some of the food around, almost giving the appearance that some had been eaten. His heart was not set on eating but he forced himself to start eating the meal before it grew cold.
Though today was a day off, he had to go in for an afternoon meeting. Megure had told him yesterday after he finished up with his paperwork. A meeting on a day off hasn't happened in awhile, he thought. But, I don't know, it doesn't feel like any of the meetings I've attended in the past. Takagi sighed. Maybe I'm just over thinking it. But, he didn't call any of the others who have tomorrow off up to him. Unless I simply wasn't paying attention. And then there's the fact that there have been a lot of meetings with the higher ups. If that doesn't mean something is up, then nothing does.
After another moment's consideration, Takagi recalled that Megure said that one of his and Sato's cases was going to be discussed. And the only one we've worked on together recently is the Imai disappearance. It was pretty clear, well, to me, by the references he made.
He looked down that plate of food. It did not look appetizing as it had gotten cold and the sauce had congealed. Instead of shoving the food around on it, he stuck it back into the microwave and heated it back up. It still did not look all that appetizing but it did taste better warm.
As soon as he finished with lunch, he returned his bedroom and changed into clothing that would be more appropriate. He debated briefly about not going in his usual suit but decided to be safe. I don't know who might be at that meeting. It doesn't matter if it is my day off. I've worked cases on days off before. Better to be prepared.
Checking the time, he made sure that he had all the case files organized and with him before he left. The morning had been spent organizing and sorting the files. He could not recall at time that any of his case files were so well organized. Not that they were disorganized under normal circumstances, they simply were not as organized as this one was.
Another glance at the time told him that if he left now, he would be early. Very early. But I don't want to be later. And, if it's important, there is even less of a reason to chance being late. Especially if we can get to the heart of this case.
He carefully stacked the sorted files in a box and walked out to his car. He had to return to the apartment to fetch his gloves, which he felt like he walked out of the home without at least once a week.
When he finally arrived at headquarters, Takagi was relieved that he left early. There had been a bad accident that backed up traffic in one place. Another road was closed due to emergency repairs and yet another road had been swamped by shoppers for a massive sale being held by a department store.
It's taken me twice as long to get here as it normally does! he thought, feeling like he had already had a full day just from the drive. Now I'm really glad I left early. I wouldn't be on time if I left like I normally do.
He double checked his car twice, to make sure he did not leave anything behind, before leaving his car and heading to the conference room. No one hassled him as he worked his way through the building, though he did get a few odd looks from some of the other detectives. Not that I blame them, thought Takagi, I'm supposed to have today off. And if no one else is at the meeting, they would not expect me to be here. He sighed, I hope they don't hassle me tomorrow.
As he walked to the conference room door, he readied himself to open it without using hands. "Let me give you a hand with that, Takagi-kun," Sato said, from next to him. She opened the door and held it open for him.
He said, loud enough only for her to hear, "Usually the man holds the door open."
She chuckled, "Call me non-traditional." Takagi smiled at her. He walked to the table in the middle of the room and placed his box on top of it. There was a pile of papers in front of one of the chairs. He recognized Sato's writing on those papers. As he emptied out his box, he placed the files in front of the chair next to Sato's.
He put the empty box on the floor, out of the way and sat down. He carefully sorted his case files into a couple of distinct files. When he looked up again, there was a fresh cup of steaming coffee sitting in front of him. "You didn't have to, Sato-san," Takagi said.
She shrugged and put a cup of coffee in front of her own seat. "If you want, you can get a pitcher of water and some glasses. Something tells me it is going to be a long meeting."
Takagi checked the time. There was still enough time to do what Sato asked. "You're probably right," he said, standing and walking to the door, "We are probably going to need the water. I'll see if there are any snacks left, too."
"Okay, thanks," Sato said, snatching the top file off of one of Takagi's piles and looking through it.
A few minutes later, Takagi was back with the water, cups, and some little snack sandwiches he managed to snag from a platter (before the rest of the department ate them all).
Just as he was finishing setting them out, there was a knock on the door before it opened and Inspector Megure walked in with the Superintendent behind him. Sato and Takagi immediately stood at attention for the Superintendent, which he returned, before he walked around the table and sat down at the other side. Megure locked the door behind them and the meeting began.