Title: The Boogeyman
Genre: Humor
Rating: G/K
Word count: 220
A/N: Written for the 2011
spook_me fic-a-thon
Disclaimer: I have no excuse except that I haven't written a crackfic in a while.
Hakuba rubbed his eyes and looked down at his cup of tea. Then he looked back up. And back at his cup of tea. Standing, he turned his back on the figure on the front lawn and walked back to the lab, kettle and tea cup in hand, to do a test to make sure the drink was not drugged. He resolutely ignored the urge to join the figure.
Inspector Nakamori blinked at the figure moving through police headquarters. He was not the only officer disbelieving of what he was seeing. He eyed the donut sitting on the napkin on the desk. Throwing caution to the wind, he grabbed the donut and joined in, followed shortly by the rest of the people on the floor.
"We are reporting live from Tokyo Tower were it appears that Kaitou Kid is doing a dance, identified by our expert as The Boogey." The camera panned back, to show that Kaitou Kid was not alone. "It appears that he is joined the the very Task-force assigned to catch him, as well as many other people from business owners to high schoolers."
She began to look a little flustered, glancing over at the growing crowd, "And I'm going to join them!"
That night, there was an unprecedented breakout of The Boogey all over the town.