Title: When At First You Don't Succeed...
jeva_chanSize: 397 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nothing explicit...but...yeah...insinuations...mental images...they're all your fault, you bunch of pervs XP
Summary: ...try, try, try, try again~!
She was certain this time it would produce some sort of reaction. She knew she'd have to work much harder if she were to ever win his heart, but it would be fun to see his reaction nonetheless. So it was with a coy smile that she broken through the throng of girls crowded around his desk, sing-songing, "Oh, Kuroba Kaito..."
There was a noticeable tensing of the shoulders, though the cheerful expression remained the same as before. "Ah...Koizumi..."
She leaned forward, propping her elbows on his desk. "So...are you going to reject my chocolate gifts again?"
If he'd been anyone else, she knew he'd immediately follow her whims. As it was, he just smiled and asked, "Do I have to give back all the chocolate I've got?"
"Of course," she purred, bringing her face closer to his.
"Hm..." he murmured, acting as if he were thinking about it. "Nope! Sorry, but I still love chocolate too much to just have yours!"
She tried her best to take it gracefully, but a glare still found its way to the surface as she stood up straight. "Are you sure about that?"
He just continued to smile that smile which she wished could be as real as it looked. "Well, maybe next year? Doubt it, but you can always try," he said quite genially.
With that, she was pushed away from his desked as the other girls tried to get close enough to give him chocolate. She fumed for a moment at the thought that she hadn't been able to even present her gift but then smirked as a thought came to mind. She then started to walk over to a certain half-British detective. "Oh, my stallion~!" she called, all the while wondering if the chocolate gift was large enough for him to wear without breaking.
Aoko: "So did you get enough chocolate this year, Kaito?"
Kaito: "Mm! ...Koizumi? Isn't that outfit a little too revealing?"
Akako: "You like?"
Kaito: "...is that chocolate?"
Akako: "If you like this, you should see Hakuba Saguru's attire."
Kaito: "...Aoko?"
Aoko: "Hm?"
Kaito: "...remind me to not ever take Koizumi's chocolate if it's going to be put to that use."
Aoko: "How am I supposed to know if she's going to put it to use like that, idiot?!"
...entirely random. Horribly written. And completely stupid. But this is what you get when Jeva is bored in Math class! XP!
...plus this resulted in Jeva watching some infomercial thing or something and this guy was showing Valentine gifts...and there were chocolate nipple-covers...a chocolate thong...and a G-string thing with a chocolate heart with a hole in the center...*dies when she remembers that one*
...no, they didn't show anyone MODELING it...
...and now I'm done messing around...for now *actually has another Valentine fic to put up, whut* >D