well..im actually online 2day n was jus reading everybody's updates n it seems like the topic to talk about is ms. moore, all i can say is rrrggghh...i think if she didnt talk so fast n so much n make us write notes that she already made us outline then id like her much more..n i sit on the waay other side of the room n if anything funny happens
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Comments 7
"i feel like i have so much spare time" << how? play like takes over our lives now =/ and tech day saturday 9 - 12 ! eek =(
and yes. im lovingggg this weather!!! =D
but i heard it's supposed to rain tomorrow! :'( yuuck
and ms moore... uggh. hate her!! not even gonna go into it.
i wanna change your layout kate. i don't really like how i did it =/ we gotta fix that. i forgot your password... so just let me know and i'll make it purdy =p
oh jeez i love the weather. I've been outside all the time now and I cant wait till the weekend. I dont like Ms. Moore at all - so many reasons. <33victoria
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