Time to throw another one of these up. Not really time to actually.. it's friday and some genious decided to turn the heater on for the building. Too much heat always makes me feel rather not motivated.
Y o u
Height: 6' 3"
Hair color: brown
Skin color: see through!
Eyecolor: brown too
Piercings: They had to go I'm afraid
r i g h t n o w
What color pants are you wearing?: black, the work standard
What song are you listening to? The air conditioner clanking away, and hard drives humming
What taste is in your mouth?: icky sticky mt. dew, it's caffeine was required
What's the weather like?: cool, damp, grey.. someone up there still likes me
How are you?: Covered in dust, but OK other than that
Get motion sickness?: None for me thanks
Have a bad habit?: I wouldn't know where to begin
f a v o r i t e s
Tv show: I much prefer the TV off
Conditioner: Erm.. can't recall the name of it, but it has alot of dimethicone in it which is apparently good for my hair
Non alcoholic drink: Beer, fuck your lack of alchohol
Alcoholic drink: Scotch
h a v e y o u
Broken the law: If they don't see it, I didn't do it (unfortunatly they did on one occasion)
Ran away from home: I thought I did when I was about 9, but I don't think being a mile away really counts
Ever gone skinny dipping: Newp, I'll get there eventually though I'm sure
Ever tipped over a porta potty: Heavens no
Used your parents' credit card before: Not without their knowledge
Skipped school before: Yes, ph33r my inner rebel
Fell asleep in the shower: I've fallen asleep just about everywhere
Been in a school play: Yes, the shame didn't come off even with boiling water
l o v e
Boyfriend: Eh?
Girlfriend: Wife
Sexuality: Yes! Have some! Then have some more.. then double the order.. ad infintium.
Children: You can keep those.
Current crush: ze naz.. err.. wife. (I like causing trouble)
Been in love: I do dearly hope so
r a n d o m
Do you have a job: Yep
Your cd player has in it right now: SQL Server 7
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: Blue, it tastes the best
What makes you happy: Kitteh, the kitties, playin' games with kitteh and friends, friends.. the list is quite long
Teenage smoking: pre-teen even
Who makes you happiest: kitteh
What's the next cd you're gonna get?: The one made by the group that doesn't sound like the crap they're pushin' today
w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
Time you cried: I.. don't even recall
You got a real letter?: Like.. with pen printed text/script? I've no idea.
You got e-mail: Of any actual substance? Probably more recently than I think, but still awhile ago.
Thing you purchased: icky sticky mt. dew
Tv program you watched: 70's show probably
Movie you saw in the theater: Umm... I know this one...
y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
Dreams: A link to the sub conscious interfered with by normal mental garble sorting itself out while you sleep
And here is where another survey starts i.. think.. its kinda fragmented
Fallen for a friend? Yarse
Made out with JUST a friend? Yep.. strange thing that
Rejected someone? Kinda comes with the territory I think, that human condition thing
Been in love? Already answered, movin' right along
Been in lust? Everyone should try it at least once
Used someone? Not by conscious or malicious decision
Been used? Mmmmyes
Done something you regret? A couple times
Who was the last person...
You touched? Kitteh
You talked to (phone & in person)? The tech who works upstairs.. 'es a bit of a twit
You hugged? Kitteh
You instant messaged? Errrm.. D
You kissed? Kitteh
You yelled at? Kitteh, not hard when she's the only person I really speak to in person outside of work
You laughed with? Really laughed: kitteh. Sociable laugh: some dude from the warehouse.
You had a crush on? Kitteh
Who broke your heart? Mrrr.. good question..
Do you...
Color your hair? Nevar!
Have tattoos? Whole scads and bushels of 'em
Piercings? It's deja vu' all over again!
Have a boyfriend? Newp, imagine that
Floss daily? No, I probably should though
Own a webcam? Yep, it got used once I think
Ever get off the damn computer? I make a point of it
Sprechen sie deutsche? Most of it has not withstood the test of time, but I used to be able to very brokenly
Habla espanol? No, no, definitly not, fuck that
Have you/do you/do you have...
Considered a life of crime? Not in any serious capacity
Considered being a hooker? I'm absolutly terrified of disease, so not really, but certain fetish-esq aspects of it seem interesting at times
Are you psycho? According to books, yes. According to me, hell no, just a little unorthodox at times.
Split personalities? Not that I'm aware of, but that always seems to be the problem with it.. lack of awareness
Schizophrenic? Some aspects perhaps, but not the whole package, and not in any way severe
Obsessive? Don't think so
Obsessive compulsive? No more than your average person
Panic? Not anymore
Depressed? Only when I think about certain things
Suicidal? Fuck no
Obsessed with hate? Erm.. no.. I never liked manson.
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? Occasionally, but not to any extreme degree.
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? mmmmmno
What would you be doing? I think I missed something.
What are you listening to? I don't have any more clever responses for repeated questions.
Can you do anything freakish with your body? Newp, it's put together right and all that good stuff.
Chicken or fish? Beef.
Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? coyotes!
Current Clothes: Black business casual type stuff
Current Mood: Being over-ridden by the need for smoking
Current Music: ...
Current Taste: You need to be STOPPED SIR!
Current Hair: Pulled back in a braid, I don't think work would appreciate my sittin' around the house look
Current Annoyance: Covered in dust after ripping bits out of several machines
Current Smell: Burnt toner I think, guess it's time to fix that printer.
Current thing I ought to be doing: Degaussing hard drives
Current Desktop Picture: WarHammer 40K: Dawn of War
Current Favorite Group: Been re-establishing the megadeth, as they're playing a show here soon
Current Book: Last book I started to read was neuromancer
Current DVD In Player: Erm.. the one at home has a harry potter thing in it I think
Current Refreshment: icky sticky mt. dew, but it's not really refreshment to me, just caffeine
Current Worry: Need to get kitteh a new video card
Current Crush: I bet.
Current Favorite Celebrity: People have favourite celebrities? As in they like them simply BECAUSE they're a celebrity?
Understanding: Depends heavily on who and what I'm being asked to be understanding of
Open-minded: I like to think so
Arrogant: I can be if I've had a few, or so I'm told
Insecure: Not that I'm aware of
Interesting: Err.. I dunno really
A lil Hungry: Yes, the stomach she is angry
Friendly: To a person yes, to people no.
Smart: I pick things up quickly, it's retaining them that tends to be the problem
Moody: Newp
Childish: It's a curse, but one I can put aside with minimal effort
Hard working: Yes, but it can take me awhile to get started
Organized: Newp, I try very hard to be as such, but it's like trying to fill a sieve with water
Emotionally Stable: Errrm.. I'm much better than I used to be, but still nowhere near perfect
Shy: Around large groups of unfamiliar people, yes
Difficult: I'm sure I am, it all makes perfect sense to me though
Bored Easily: Don't believe so
Responsible: Usually
Trusting: of a person yes, of people no
Unique: Just like everyone else, in my own way
Lonely: Not anymore
Name: I could think of things I never thought beforrrrre, and then I'd sit... and think some more!
Nicknames: WarHound^, dog, doggy, asshole
Hair color: I will eat your heart.
i was born on: Sometime in june
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: One and a half
Sign: Gemini
Long or short hair? Either really... just no insanely funky sculpted styles that obviously take hours to maintain
Dark or blond hair? All shades have their perks, just none of that bleached hair against dark complexion stuff please
Tall or short? Tall is usually more user friendly for me, but short has it's own appeal as well
Pretty but dumb or Ok looking but smart? Gonna have to go with ze brains... looks are cool and all, but they don't have the capacity to change and remain interesting like a working mind do.
Dark or light eyes? I never really developed a preferred color/type, just a fondness for expressions
Light skinned or dark? Somewhere in the middle. Bone white is kinda scarey, and "copper tone" looks weird.
Pierced or no? Doesn't really play into my mentality much
Freckles or none? Erm.. never had a reason to make that distinction now that I think about it
Skinny or pudgy? Anything that has enough padding that I don't instantly dub it "alien shaped"
Thuggish or sporty type? I might be able to answer if I had the first clue what the hell the question was.
Whitewashed, Thuggish, Fobby? See previous.
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Beer.
McDonalds or Burger King? Beer.
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Damned if you do, damned if you don't there...
Sweet or sour? Sweet & Sour!
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Beer.
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Action/Horror
Cats or dogs? Puppeh
Ocean or Pool? Ocean, three billion pools in one, and the scenery is better
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Cool ranch with nacho cheese dip
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Jell-O
With or without ice-cubes? Without
Shine or rain? Rain, it is required
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Winter
Vanilla or Chocolate? Beer.
Snowboarding or skiing? Good for filming and sending in to america's funniest, profitable AND painless
Cake or cookies? Cake
Cereal or toast? Toast, piled high with all sorts of MEAT
Gloves or mittens? Assless chaps
Eyes open or closed? Open!
Fly or breathe under water? Breathe underwater, I already know what's
Bunk-bed or waterbed? I wouldn't *mind* a waterbed, but there are better things to be had
Chewing gum or hard candy? Beer