If only I could deliver photos on demand from a black box-style truck blaring tinkly circus-style Manson, driving slowly through the neighborhood. That would be awesome.
Thank you. I'm glad you like them. I seem to be unable to take photos without the cat butting his way into at least one of them, so I've given up removing him from the shots. He's like that strange little cat that pops up in every anime video, whatever that character is called. The one that runs by or makes some sort of noise.
Finally! I was able to see your pretty pictures now that the computer wasn't acting like my Mother going through hot flashes... Very nice pictures, lovely cat. My mom wants to get rid of ours. :/
Thank you, thank you. He's a big dopey lovey fatass with soft warm everything except for his ice-cold drippy nose. You must keep the kitty, they're so wonderful.
She said we either get to keep a few we love dearly or get rid of them all. Which, I'd rather not do, but I do understand where she's coming from-- they're becoming a completely hell just out of no where.
Comments 33
You`re gorgeous - I love these photos and I adore your cat. :)
I agree completely.
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