:5 style aspects you Love:
* Ribbons
* Pearls
* Over-the-top sweetness
* Ribbon headbands
* Polka dots
:5 style aspects you Hate:
* Small size
* Skirts which are same length front and back (no matter how small your butt is, the skirt will ride!)
* h.Naoto Frill.
* Glitter (it's true)
:Most Over-rated Brand:
* Metamorphose, but I give them kudos for making loli more accessable.
* Putumayo
* h.Naoto
:Most Under-rated Brand:
* Mary Magdalene, they needs mo love.
:Loyal to:
Angelic Pretty, Baby, Meta, my own crap.
:First Crush:
Angelic Pretty's Classical Victorian Cameo Button one piece in wine. So long ago, I wish i still had a picture. I just loved how the skirt fell in this bustle-like manner, and the sleek bodice and sleeves, with the high neck collar and yoke, with minimal lace. I love thee.... Ay Pee~!
:Dream Dress:
Not a dress:
Thanks. XD
:Strangest Place you've worn Lolita:
Waiting for the bus in Minto. UGH.
:1 item you'd never sell:
My pink Baby pochette. She was my first... <3
:Best bargain:
The Angelic Pretty tote bag I never got for $25. LOL.
Actually, probably my Baby pochette.
:Biggest splurge:
Meta hoodie, lol.
:3 motifs you Love:
* Ribbon Pearl / Dot
* Silhouettes
* Cake, so I can have my cake and not eat it!
:3 motifs you Hate:
* Crosses. I am over you!
* Skulls on lolita UNLESS its punk.
* Baby Jesus.
:Never Mix:
Black lipstick and clown make-up with ANYTHING!
:Spoilt by:
If i have to choose one... MAKI! I love to go to Angelic Pretty's site and froth over the new clothes.
:My Style Is:
Sweet punk lolita, with a secret love for classical. XD