Who: Gwendal and Murata
Where: Gwen's office
Rated: R?
When: Er... apparently after Murata talked to Shinou. Ish.
Summary: Gwendal talks to Murata about Wolfram and Murata spills the beans about Shinou and Gwendal turns into a silent killer like Bambi.
Murata slunked down the hallway. Why was it that EVERY time Gwendal called him to his office, it felt like he was going to suffer eternal pain and torment? The last few times he had been summoned to pergatory hadn't been so bad. After all... Gwendal gave him sex toys. |3.
Nevertheless, the moment Murata turned into everyone else and barged into the room without knocking, he immediately had to sound his innocence. "Whatever it was, I didn't mean to!"
Gwendal was startled from his knitting by a loud, nervous Great Sage. His eye twitched and he frowned as he set his needles aside. He hated it when someone didn't knock. "Geika, even Wolfram knocks before he enters someone's room." Most of the time.
"O...oh..." Murata grew quiet. He didn't really like to make Gwendal mad, so he left, knocked on the door and then came back in. "Is that better von Voltaire?"
Gwendal's eye actually stopped twitching once Murata did that. He had never had someone 're-do' their entrance after failing to knock, and was rather amused. "Yes." He could have been picky and told Murata that he hadn't given him permission to enter, but Gwendal thought it was fine if Murata just took baby-steps. "Sit, please." The 'please' didn't manage to make it sound like it wasn't an order.
It was amazing at how tolerable Gwendal was when his eye wasn't twitching and Murata found that this time when he sat in Gwendal's office, it didn't seem like he was being punished by a principal... it felt more like he was at a guidance counselour... oh, school. "What... did you need to speak to me about?"
"I'm going to be blunt with you, Geika. Wolfram is an immature, prideful, and selfish pooh." Gwendal really hoped Murata wouldn't repeat any of this back to Wolfram. After all, Murata was sure to know that he'd be set aflame too just for repeating it. "He refused to acknowledge that running off alone to another world without telling anyone, with a person as important as you, was a bad idea. I'm hoping that I can appeal to your logic so such a situation will never happen again."
Murata hadn't noticed his jaw had dropped until he needed to swallow and had to close it. Gwendal had insulted his precious, precious husband! ;_; Well, yeah, he was his older brother, so he kind of had a right, but Murata still didn't like it. "It was my idea to leave this world. It was a surprise to even Wolfram, so it really isn't his fault. The blame is entirely on me."
Gwendal's good eye twitched, a blatant hint to Murata that he had just lost a number of points with Gwendal. "I expect such thoughtless behavior from Wolfram, but not from you, Geika." In his mind, Gwendal knew that he shouldn't have to lecture someone who was, at the very least, one hundred times his own age, but Murata deserved it for doing something dumb. "Shinou only knows what could have happened to the both of you while you were unguarded." If only Gwendal knew the irony of his words.
Love had a tendency to make people do really stupid things, and it certainly had played its role on Murata. He had even been prepared to shoot something back at Gwendal for that, until that last bit was spoken and Murata grew quiet. Eerily quiet. That was, until he had tilted his head so that one could no longer see his eyes, save for the glare of his glasses. "Could you... not use Shinou's name like that?"
Gwendal von Voltaire was a man who operated on fact. He pieced together what he knew to form his conclusions, and honestly, he was good at it. He knew that Wolfram was angry enough to threaten to burn Shinou temple, that Wolfram had been injured somehow, and that his last statement had effected Murata more than he anticipated. It wasn't hard to solve for x. "What did Shinou do?"
Murata didn't want to say anything. He had already taken the matter up with Shinou, so it was a dead subject, right? Then again, since he had hopefully cleared things up with the perpetrator, it might be okay to let Gwendal in on the whole ordeal. After all, he was Wolfram's older brother, and if Murata had been placed in his shoes, he would want to know the whole story, too.
And yet, Murata couldn't bring himself to say it! So he sat and twiddled his thumbs for a good long while before finally saying, "Shinou has a distinct temper and a rash personality, and he has a tendency to act poorly when he needs or wants something bad enough. And it seemed he had some... sort of agenda that concerned Wolfram." He swallowed once more. Why couldn't he just come out and SAY it? Gwendal was a smart man, he'd figure it out... right? "You wouldn't happen to know WHERE Wolfram is hurt... would you?"
Gwendal narrowed his eyes slightly. He did not enjoy that Murata was talking his way around the subject. "I only know that it's not in an obvious place."
"Ah... well..." Murata shifted a little nervously in his seat. "Shinou had taken the liberty of..." His voice lowered so that he was barely audible. "R...r..raping Wolfram." He winced when he said it. He hated the word.. and hated it when it was used on Wolfram. ;_;
"...." The entire left side of Gwendal's face managed to twitch all at once. Not a common sight. "Excuse me." Gwendal rose from his seat, his bangs hiding his eyes. Maybe now Murata would know just how creepy he looked when his eyes were hidden.
A massive shiver ran up and down Murata's spine when he saw Gwendal's face practically melt off and he stiffened in his chair. "Uh... you're... excused?" Really, what else could he say? He also stood up, a little frightened at what one word had unleashed. "But... what are you going to do?" Oh, it wasn't EXACTLY Murata's business to know... but it kind of was.
"I'm taking a ride. Please shut my door on your way out, Geika." Gwendal's voice was calm as he walked out. A very, very creepy kind of calm.
Murata probably would have stayed in Gwendal's office a little longer, but decided it was kind of creepy in there and rushed out, closing the door like he was told... but oddly, Gwendal was no where to be found.