Sep 27, 2006 20:56

Who: Greta and Wolfram
Where: Wolfram and Murata's room
When: Sometime
What: PG
Why Greta missed her papa!

Greta skipped down the hall, whistling. She knocked on Ken-chan and Wolf's door, bouncing on the soles of her feet. "Wolf, open up!"

Wolfram had been busy..well..actually, he had just been napping, but still. Napping was work too! He slowly rolled out of bed and padded over to the door, rubbing at his eyes as he opened it. "Mmm?" He answered groggily, still not quite aware what was going on.

Greta smiled up at him. "Wolf!" She hugged him around the waist. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm? Ah..yeah..just..tired.." He accented his statement with a wide yawn and a heavy-handed pat to the top of Greta's head.

Aw... Her father looked so cute and gay. She took his hand and led him back to the bed. "Are you not getting enough sleep? Is your bed too hard?"

(( XDDDD you've been RPing with Annie, haven't you?))
(*giggles* could you tell?)

"Ah, no, I just..I had a long morning." Wolfram followed behind Greta, just stumbling along, still partly asleep.

She sat him on the bed. "What happened?"

"Just...morning workout." Wolfram yawned again and sat, trying hard not to fall back over and go back to sleep. "Your uncle Gwendal is unforgiving when it comes to training."

Greta giggled and nodded. "Yozak says that too, but he also says that Gwen's one of the best."

"Yeah..he is..." Wolfram had to agree with that, at least. "It's just..it's very tiring."

Greta giggled, moving to sit by his head. She stroked his hair. "It's okay, Wolf. You're just a little out of practice."

"Out of practice?!" D: That wasn't cool at all. He wasn't out of practice! "I most certainly am not." He hmphed and crossed his arms over his chest.

She giggled and kept stroking his hair. "Well, why are you so tired?" She kissed his forehead. "Just 'case you're out of practice doesn't mean you're not good."

"I'm tired because...because.." Well, the truth was he had been up all night doing things that Greta did not need to know about. So, with a sigh, he gave in. "Okay, maybe I'm a little out of practice."

Greta giggled. "Yozak said you were probably going to get all soft 'cause you were a kept man now," she teased her father, giving him a hug.

"But I don't care, you're the best swordfiighter I could ever want to be my Papa!"

"A kept man?" Wolfram wrinkled his nose at the phrase, but then Greta was complimenting him and aww, she was right <3 "Well..thank you." Was all Wolfram could seem to stammer out as he wrapped his arms around his daughter.

"I love you," she said, giggling and kissing his nose. "I haven't seen you in so long, Wolf..."

"I love you too." Wolfram slurred out, still slightly asleep. "I've been around...just..I was on Earth for a while.."

"I know, but you're still just... not around." She curled up next to him. "I miss you."

"Mm.." Wolfram sighed softly and lay back on the bed, motioning for Greta to follow suit. "Well you have me all to yourself right now."

Greta snuggled next to Wolfram. "What's Earth like?"

"It's...it's..." Wolfram sighed again and stretched out before wrapping an arm around her. "It's very confusing. There's lots of weird stuff there."

"Really? What sort of weird suff?"

"Like..they have this device..that you can pick up and talk into, and someone really far away can hear you and talk back." Oh the adventures with the telephone..

"Conrad says that's a telephone--he says it's like magic! Except unlike Anissina's it works."

Wolfram nodded. "It's really strange. You know, when Yuuri goes back sometime, we should all go."

"Really?" She smiled. "I get to meet Grandmother and Grandfather!"

"Well you'll have to ask Yuuri, but I'm sure he won't mind. It sounds like a good idea to me." Wolfram smiled tiredly and started running one hand slowly through her hair.

Greta's eyes started drooping as Wolf ran his hand through her hair. "Papa? Does Ken-chan like me?" she asked sleepily.

Wolfram paused for a moment, a bit taken aback by the question. "What?? Of course he likes you!"

Greta snuggled closer. "I never see him anymore. I never see you either. Sometimes I think you're both avoiding me..." She let out a huge yawn.

Wolfram pouted slightly, closing his eyes. "We're not avoiding you. We're almost always around..."

She snuggled against him. "Can I sleep with you and Ken-chan sometimes?"

"Of course you can." Wolfram answered immediately, not wanting Greta to catch any hint that he was slightly worried about it cutting into his hot sex time.

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt any... personal alone time you may need."

Wolfram immediately blushed and shook his head. Greta wasn't supposed to know about stuff like that! "Oh no no no, it's fine. Really."

"Wolf? What do couples do in their personal alone time? Conrad says that people play games..."

Wolfram closed his eyes tightly, trying to pretend that the question hadn't been asked. "They...they...yes, they play games." It was easier just to agree.

She giggled. "What games, like cards? Chess?"

"Yes. Like those." Wolfram sighed deeply, praying that she would buy it.

She giggled. "That sounds fun! I wish I could be married."

"Well..you'll have to wait until you're older." Wolfram let out the breath he had been holding in, satisfied with her response.

Greta giggled sleepily, snuggling against her father.

"Greta..." Wolfram mumbled, still running his hand through her hair. "Would you like to stay and take a nap with me?"

She nodded, nuzzling him. "Uh huh."

"Alright then." Wolfram yawned widely, not taking long to fall back asleep.

Greta fell asleep as well, snoring loud enough to make her Papa proud.
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