The Office won the Emmy for Best Comedy. This means there is at least one iota of justice in the world.
It did not also win for Best Drama. This means that there are not two.
I guess the only other news is that I haven't been updating this at all. That's hardly exciting, and you all knew that. The main reason being, I suppose, that there's not really much to update about. The things that have stayed the same:
-I'm still wishing summer would end so I can get back to school and all the awesome peoples there.
-I still don't like my job.
-I still feel kind of ambiguous about the whole Katrina thing.
Things that have changed:
-I may have accidentally invented Pre-Modernism.
P.S. Girls reading this, if any of you are in a situation where you are talking to a male friend who, in the last month, has asked you out unsuccessfully, please do not say the following, or anything remotely resembling the following examples to him:
batgirl31415: rob, I think I'm kinda in love with you for assuming that my judge would be samuel jackson
lalala931243732: other people don't understand my crazy-ass zealousness about blood donation
batgirl31415: yet another thing we have in common
lalala931243732: i want to make a public, governmentally funded storehouse of bilbos
batgirl31415: you'll never find the spanish library with an attitude like that rob
Actually I suppose that last one is ok. In addition, if you simply MUST take this friend out to see Snakes on a Plane and give him two dozen apology cupcakes, do NOT make them ridiculously charming and hilariously mixable cupcakes-with-words-on-top and by all means do NOT let him have a really good time. Because it will make it really difficult for this guy to just get over it.
God fucking damnit, Paul.