I just can't stand the attitudes of some people! Since the rant is long (and most probably pointless) I'll put it under the LJ cut and spare you my angsting. Read ONLY if you feel like playing Agony Aunt to me, cos God knows, I'm sick of being one.
By right I shouldn't have any reason to be depressed. I mean, I think I'm a pretty lucky/blessed person. But I think there are times when we just wake up in the morning and wonder what on earth are we put here for. Sometimes I just don't know the reason of our exsistance in the world.
Maybe its because of the recent tsunami in Malaysia. Talk about major comfort zone shock. I was convinced that we would never be hit by any natural disasters of this sort, and all of a sudden: 53 and counting, dead and many others unaccounted for.
It just made me realize how unsafe a world that I live in. Or how fragile human life is. I don't know. Just insert some deep thought about life in general. Many people are dying and most of us here, leading lucky, blessed lives are whining about how miserable their lives are because their TV's aren't working. Or because the pizza man's late with their dinner. Or because their boyfriend's had dumped them.
It makes it harder to sympathize with people who don't know how blessed they are and seem to take the things that they have for granted, and whine about something they don't have. God, I hope I never do that. It's horrible.
Why can't they just look past the invented darkness of theirs and realise, that compared to what's really going on out there. Their lives aren't as dark and hopeless as they make it out to be, and if only they'd realize that they'll be a whole lot happier.
I don't know. I'm also kind of sick of people coming up to me and bleating about how sad and sorry their theire life is. All I say sometimes is: "Yes, I know your parents are unreasonable old Ogers because they won't give you enough money." or "Yes, I understand you're upset because you're sick and you can't get out of the house. It okay to be depressed." and "Poor thing, I can't believe that slimeball of a guy dumped you for this other girl."
Look on the bright side people. I know it sounds so damn cliche, but it works. You're life isn't at all as bad as you're making it out to be. You invent your own darkness.
Ok, I'm alright now. I just needed to let out some steam.
Now, to get back to my other day job, which I squeeze in when I'm not playing Agony Aunt. Fangirling!
I went with Michelle and Monica today and we watched... Phanthom of the Opera!!!! Yayness! It was by far, the BEST, BEST, BEST show iI've caught so far! I thought that the acting wasn't going to be up to my expectation, because the 3 main characters (the Phantom, Christine and Raoul) were professional singers. But Gerald Butler's rendition of the Phanthom nearly made me cry! Hehe. When the show was reaching its climax where Christine had to choose between her lover and the Monster before her, I was chanting to myself "Don't cry! Don't cry! Don't cry!" like a mantra.
It was especially so when the Phantom asked her "Why should I show compassion to a world that never showed any to me?"
And Christine answered: "Let me show you that not all people are like that." (ok, it's not the exact quote. I can't exactly remember word for word what she said but that was the basic jist of it) and she kissed him with Raoul looking on.
Who0t! Phantom/Christine rocks my little polyester socks!
Oh! And the last bit where Raoul visit's Christine's grave, and he finds the Phantom's trademark red rose tied with a black ribbon on the grave!
Teehee. Gerald Butler's hot!!!!
And I want that sparkly blue and diamond engagement ring that was in there as well!
But the thing that kinda annoys me a little now is that with the Phantom on the Silver Screen, more people will start to like it and it'll get over popular. Although I am one who will not scorn the Phantom merchandise that will spawn with the popularity of the show (shopping spree! I'm gonna find that ring!) but I'm the kind of person, when something I like tends to get too popular and saturated, I tend to not like it anymore after a while. Am I making sense? Hm. Well, anyway, there's always Miss Saigon and Les Miserables for them to make a movie/musical out off.
Huzzah for quizzes!
You are the Chandelier!
Which Phantom of the Opera Prop are you? brought to you by
You will end up with the Phantom...too bad you will
have to fight me for him. You'll lose.
Christine already has...hehehe just kidding.
You're a very lucky lady.
Which Phantom of the Opera guy will you end up with? brought to you by
You are the most like Giry, You are a great box
keeper and ballet teacher, you could use a
little more personality, but hey for someone
who always wears black you sure are very moral.
What character from Phantom of the Opera are you most like? brought to you by
Quizilla Ok, I think that I'm feeling better now.