I decided to do a thing! In which I would write things!
New Facts!!!
The pulmonic ingressive mode of speaking was used in Scotland by men wooing laydees to disguise their voices! Its basically just talking while breathing in. Try it. Love it. I do.
Anyone who can make an English r sound is a bamf. Which makes Americans speaking the Standard American Dialect even bamfier. BECAUSE WE PRONOUNCE ALL THE R'S that's right.
IAMBS ARE UNNATURAL IN ENGLISH. ENGLISH IS TROCHAIC. Shakespeare... you language rapist.
Getting stuck in a cumulonimbus could would really suck.
There is more than one way that rain clouds form!
Fluorite is still my favorite mineral! (irrelevant)
The Pitt campus is in a millions of years old bend of the Monongahela river!
Caves form in limestone very often because the calcite that is the main component of limestone is water soluble! So when you go someplace and you hear that it's sitting on limestone, be on the lookout for caves, sinkholes and other things (coughyucatanpeninsulacough)! Also limestone fizzes intensely when exposed to HCl!
People Related Things:
-Magical Beasts:
Wizard Man: Approximate age: 60-late 70's
Habitat: Bus.
Unique features: sports many rings comprised of various semiprecious stones, has odd peircings, carries a strange walking stick (staff?) with uncanny carvings- also studded with semiprecious stones.
Sightings: Two, and one more by my associate.
Class: Uncommon.
That Guy: Approximate age: late 30's-early 50's
Habitat: Around Oakland
Unique features: Very tan. Always wears similar outfits comprised of absolutely no shirt, Hawaiian print shorts, sandals, socks, sunglasses.
Sightings: Four. Once wheeling an old lady in a wheelchair.
Class: Uncommon
Beard Guy: Approximate age: late 40's-early 60's (if very well preserved)
Habitat: Bus/Old Engineering Hall
Unique features: AWESOME BEARD. Too awesome for words. If I could marry a beard, it would be his.
Sightings: Two
Class: Rare
Asian Beanbag: Approximate age: 18-22
Habitat: Wightman Street
Unique features: Short, often stands next to me on the bus- is often squished by me on the bus.
Sightings: Daily
Class: Common
Dr. Turker: (Korean classes) Very nice, sometimes can't pronounce English. Lots of fun to be around.
Dr. Miller: (Ancient Greek) AMAZING. Also refers to himself by last name. Good sense of humor. Excellent teacher.
Prof. Mortensen: (Linguistics)........ yup. He can stick his tongue into his nasal cavity behind his uvula... he also has no shame when it comes to making sounds or imitating accents. Very supportive. Good sense of humor.
Dr. Jones: (Geology) Funny guy, a little sarcastic. Likes purple. Throws rock samples at people. Lots of fun.