Title : The Boys
Beta :
yulebaifenbai90Genre : Humour
Pairing : Changmin x Yoona
Length : Drabble
Rating : G
Summary : She knew what to expect whenever they were on the phone, it was always the same with him.
A/N : Dedicated to
aoza ~
“And you love it,” Yoona swore she could hear Changmin smirk. )
Comments 6
Second, a teasing Min is a hot Min. And like Yoona, I'd be hot and bothered and hang up too if he'd tease me like that too.
And lastly, thank you. As you probably already know... not a lot of people care for this OTP and usually overlook it. It makes me sad sometimes, but at the same time, it makes me appreciate more when someone does take the time to write one. ♥ And especially if it's for me. This is the BEST thing I've received to(crap)day... and I love you for it. ♥
Thanks again, Elo. /hugs/
I understand, hun. Any Changyoong I'll write will be for you btw :)
I have this habit to write for people to please them (either for bdays or just dedication) and I feel the need to make you happy. I know that my writing is kind of lame but I'm doing my best at writing them and I hope it will make you smile... somehow. You've been hurt by a lot of unrespectful fans obssessed with their oppars who can't even think of other OTPs than theirs or even respect people's opinions, and I want to make you happy. (I may sound like a fail savior though orz)
You've been through a lot in this fandom (generally speaking of kpop), you deserve some lovin' :3 ♥
Too bad people don't read my het fics though xD
Anyways no need to thank me ^.^ I'd rather thank you for commenting :) ♥
i love the line 'Yoong brings Minnie out..' :)
I'm so happy that someone is actually reading this XD
Though, this isn't a masterpiece xD but thanks a lot for the comment :D
And thank you for reading :DD
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