I should be doing work right now. It's definitely a bad thing that I can now access LJ from school. But oh well.
Day 01 → Your favourite song
Day 02 → Your favorite movie
Day 03 → Your favorite television program
If you had asked me this a few years ago, I would have said Heroes, no question. I never really watched TV until season 1 of that show because my parents never let me watch a lot of TV when I was younger, and I never really had the desire to, to be honest. I never watched Disney channel or Nick or whatever else. Sometimes my brothers and I would watch Animal Planet or those PBS kids shows or something, but that's all. I was only allowed to watch Heroes because my Dad enjoyed it and he knew I like scifi. And the first season was fucking fantastic. But after that it decided to suck. Season three sucked intensely. And season four, at the moment, is sucking as well. Surprise! I only continue watching because a) I am addicted and my obsessive personality does not want to let go, b) Zachary Quinto, c) Peter Petrelli is pretty. I still hold out hope that it's getting better. Season four doesn't suck as much as I thought it would.
So I'm feeling sort of bitter about Heroes right now. I am going to scorn it and pick:
That's right. I went from a semi-serious scifi show to a ridiculous unrealistic musical about a high school glee club. Whatever. I love it. It makes me enjoy ridiculous pop songs I thought I'd hate until the end of forever, but I still love it.
It's fun. Sometimes I need things to be fun.
I don't have to think much when I watch it.
There is singing. Also dancing.
There is a cheerleader who thinks ballads are male ducks.
Kurt is fabulous.
Even the mohawk can't make Puck less hot.
And then there's the fact that I can ship, like, everything. It's kind of conflicting since I usually develop an OTP for every fandom and become completely devoted to it, but that's not happening here. I ship Puck/Rachel, Puck/Quinn, Puck/Kurt, Kurt/Finn, Finn/Rachel, Finn/Quinn, Rachel/Quinn, Artie/Tina, Brittany/Santana and probably anything else you could bring up. It's kind of fun because I can't really be disappointed. It's much less stressful, too.