Inauguration plus sproglet

Jan 20, 2009 14:37

There are a number of things I will always remember about Obama's inauguration, but chief among those things is this: potties.

So here's how it went down:

Yael and I made lemon bars while the VIPs were trailing in, then we sat down as things got started. I explained that her Saba and Savta were somewhere in that crowd and Yael looked at me sadly. "Why didn't we go there too?"

As Rick Warren talked, I explained that it was very cold. I explained that it was very crowded. I explained that it would have taken us a very long time to get there. I explained that Mommy couldn't stand up for that long. No dice, Yael continued to look at me sadly. Then I explained that there weren't potties for all those people and she wouldn't have been able to go potty the whole time.

Right about this time, Joe Biden was being sworn in.

"Why aren't there potties?" Yael asked.

"Because there are too many people."

"But everybody needs to go potty. Even people who are going to be president need to go potty."

"That's very true, love."

And I think that's my profound thought for the day: Everybody needs to go potty. Even people who are going to be president.

Yael curled up in my lap just as Obama was sworn in and gave me a confused look when I laughed at the oath mixup. (How very human. I loved it.) She snuggled with me as our 44th president spoke, playing with my hair and singing a little song to herself. She was quiet because I'd bribed her with dessert if she was quiet the whole time ;)

And I listened to President Obama speak and I held my little girl, who was much more interested in seeing Sasha and Malia and asking if they were sitting with their grandma. And I hoped that we could live up to some part of our new president's ideals and make a better world for Yael and my son-to-be and all of your children.

After getting sentimental, I'll leave you with a funny. As various people were being introduced, I thought Yael wasn't listening, because really, most of what they were saying meant slightly less than diddly-squat to her. And then they introduced "President George Walker Bush" and Yael looked up from her playing.

"George Walker Bush? He's not president. Barack Obama is president."

I kid you not. That is exactly what she said. And that's the thought I'll leave you with: George Walker Bush is not president. Barack Obama is president.

Have a nice day :)

tiwtr, yael, news

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