OOC: 20 Things You Probably Didn't Know

Jul 04, 2008 12:17

We were actually discussing this lately and usually only people I talk to on a regular basis have any idea where this is going. I thought, "If people are going to do 20 things again, maybe I should do it for them as a duo". Heaven only knows what conclusions people might jump to about them.

1. In canon, Maraich lost his son in volume 10. On DDD he made a deal with Malik to get the baby cloned. He's terrified of losing the baby again and freaks out everytime something beyond his control happens.

2. On DDD Maraich has been raising Matthias as a single mother. Because he wasn't able to protect his son the first time, and he doesn't have anyone else to raise him with, he over-compensates and coddles his son.

3. In the beginning Matthias was anything but interested in Maraich. I RPed him for about two months being disinterested in his mama.

4. After two months I started having him take interest in Maraich as an actual person and preferring to be with him. They had spent all that time together and Maraich was the person he knew the most.

5. When other characters say Maraich is spoiling and coddling his son they are correct. Maraich is trying to hard to be the perfect mother. He gives Matthias almost no room to grow into his own person.

6. It takes time for coddling to effect a child. A newborn is completely dependent anyway so there's no way to coddle it too much. Matthias is just reaching an age where he should be becoming more independent and the effects of Maraich's coddling are going to start showing.

7. Matthias has a naturally shy personality. Given Patalliro! canon, he's also a genius. However, he isn't a genius to nearly the level Figaro is. This is because he isn't part of Figaro's epic plot that happens later in the series.

8. Maraich doesn't have a set routine. He might try to keep to one, but he's constantly flying off to do something. Matthias doesn't have any set schedule.

9. From being around people like Komui and Phoenix, Maraich has grown a sense of self-entitlement because they put up with him no matter what he does.

10. Much like Maraich, Matthias is also growing a sense of feeling entitled. He gets spoiled and coddled anytime he wants something.

11. Needless to say, Maraich loves Matthias very much. He also feels exhausted and overwhelmed. He often goes to visit other people so he doesn't feel like he's on his own.

12. In the beginning Maraich clung to the baby much more than the baby clung to him. From clinging to him constantly Matthias has become dependent on Maraich and has stanger anxiety.

13. In the future Matthias will adjust very poorly to being left with someone other than his mama.

14. Sometimes Maraich has trouble saying what he wants to say, so he gets it out in a different way. If he says something like, "Phoenix wouldn't know what to do without me", he probably means, "I don't know what I'd do without Phoenix." It's easier to say it if he's talking about someone else.

15. Matthias future personality isn't set in stone. Maraich is spoiling and coddling him. It depends on what other people do to see if they fix that.

16. On the other hand there is a bond and a sense of love between them. Maraich is making a lot of mistakes but he's trying hard to do the right thing. While coddling is bad for a child's growth, it does also make the child feel like someone is there for them.

17. If Maraich ever does have Figaro on DDD he will be at a loss what to do. Figaro would be far more advanced than Matthias and he wouldn't know how to encourage that and keep Matthias from feeling left out. Maraich isn't experienced or mature enough to know how to deal with it, and he'd probably have a panic attack.

18. Maraich is idealistic about his goals. Even when he's faced with reality he dreams of sitting around, rocking the baby to sleep in his arms in front of a warm fireplace, with someone for him to lean on. Things never seem to go quite as well as he expects them to. He's almost deluded about his daydreaming versus reality.

19. Maraich search for a way to bring Matthias back because he was lonely.

20. Right now Matthias sees Phoenix as more of a father figure than anyone else. That's probably a good thing.

21. BONUS - Maraich likes kids in general. He thinks they're cute. He's shown a few times in the manga mentioning how cute some kids are. On occasion he gets stalked by boys or men who idolize him, often chasing him around and calling him "big brother". He tends to have some difficulty dealing with them at first, but is usually friends with them by the end.

I spend a lot of time developing both of them. Of course, if someone else wants to use Maraich or Matthias to help develop their characters that's fine. I have more than enough stuff to work with and I don't mind setting stuff up for anyone else.

matthias, ooc, maraich

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