This won't make any sense to my non James Marsters/Spike or non Buffy/Angel fandom friends, so feel free to skip. (Or maybe if you like to see how bitchy I can get, go on and read it :D)
There is a strange phenomenon in James Marsters/Spike fandom since Moonlight Rising 2004 Con.
People who suffer from this strange phenomenon currently are very busy with writing oh-so-clever entries like below in their lj's:
"I am so high above you, you stupid fangirls. You are all deluded. James Marsters is a sick pervert who sleeps with little girls. But you are too blind to see it. He's also a slut and he wears disgusting pimp shirts. I will make fun of him endlessly, cause I am so cool and so clever and JM Fans are all so pathetic."
For about 1.5 year, I've been patiently reading these so cool fans calling James a slut, a whore, a pervert, a slacker, an alcoholic, a very bad singer (I agree he doesn't have the best voice in the world, but you try to sing songs written out of your range, and then talk). There were some people called him "a moron", because he's so hyperactive in his interviews, and some of them wrote things like "OMG! I am so ashamed of being his fan".
Last week, my patience started to wear thin. James kissed people in his album launch (on the cheek, I remind you) and also hugged them. Of course same cool fans started to whine: "OMG. What if he gave this people mono?" "He's such a slut." "He wore that pimp shirt, so he's clearly asking for young girls' attention".
All you "I am too cool to be a fan people": Get a grip on yourselves. You want to move on, then move on.
I don't care if you like James, if you hate James or if he disgusts you. Just move on. Leave. Go. Find somebody else to bitch on. If you dislike James that much, and his behaviour disturbs you so much, why do you continue to talk about him anyway?
And please stop with your presumptuous shit and quit calling all people who liked Civilized Man CD as pathetic fan girls. I liked CD because I liked it. If it was shit, I would say it was shit. I have GOTR CD, I can easily say that %70 of its terrible. James or no James, if something is bad, it is bad.
Pimp shirt would not be my first choice for the man. Then again, I am not James. He's 42 and can wear what the fuck he wants. I don't like his pimp jewellery, but who cares? Does pimp jewellery effects his singing? His acting?
Honestly, if I have to be like you to be cool, I hope to God, I'll always be a nerd.