Day 1: Write some basic things about yourself
I'm Mara.
I'm 22 (23 in one month!).
I live in North Carolina, in a town with 4,000 residents, most of whom are cows.
I'll be graduating with my BA in May (May 6, to be exact), and will be heading back in the fall for my MLS.
I have a very fat cat who thinks he's a dog.
Day 2: 10 likes and dislikes
I'm copying Rosanna and doing five of each. :D
1. I like bright colors.
2. I like to cook.
3. I like to be outside.
4. I like to read.
5. I like to play my piano/guitar.
1. I dislike being busy.
2. I dislike having papers to write.
3. I dislike my procrastination.
4. I dislike falling.
5. I dislike stupid people.
Day 3: Your day in great detail
Well, since it's ~Sunday, I woke up at 10, went into the living room and promptly took a nap on the couch (I'm not even kidding) and woke up again at like, 11:30. Woke up, had lunch, thought about starting my papers, opened the tab for the article I'm using, and got distracted by Twitter/legacies/Facebook/this meme.
Day 4: The meaning behind your tumblr name
Stupidity, lol. It's a combination of my first and last name with a random N thrown in because I fail at life.
Day 5: Five places you want to visit
England, Scotland, Ireland Wales (I have a one-track mind about things) Zealand!
Day 6: What band or musician is most important to you?
None of them, really. I love music, but I'm not obsessed with any one bad atm.
Day 7: Do you read? What are your favorite books?
I love to read, but I have no time to, now. =( My favorite books are...A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Summers at Castle Auburn, and all of the Georgia Nicholson books.
Day 8: Three things you want to say to different people
2. I love you, but your closed-mindedness really irritates me.
3. I don't believe you.
Day 9: Pet Peeves
You know when people are listening to music and they have the bass going and it's all you hear through the walls? That. I can't stand it. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. In fact, give me the nails on a chalkboard, please!
Other than that, um...people who use improper grammar who really should know much better (ie., college students majoring in English), people who throw around words like "fag" and "dyke" and ~racist terms, but also people who, like, perpetuate the stereotype and then get upset that the stereotypes are in place.
Day 10: If you could live off of one food and beverage for the rest of your days, what would it be?
Probably should say water and salads, but since we're in ~Hypotheticalland, I'm going to go with sweet tea and tacos :D
Day 11: What is your favorite quote?
A dragon is no idle fancy~~~
Day 12: Screenshot of your desktop
Day 13: Three confessions of your choice
Ugh. I de kaaaaay.
-I have two papers that are overdue that I should be doing right now.
-I really don't want to go for my masters in the fall.
-While I'll keep the living/kitchen areas clean, my room is rarely neat.
Day 14: Provide Pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
Hugh Jackman. Unf. Just. Unf.
James Marsden. He's always so funny in his movies (esp. Enchanted. <3), and seems unafraid to make fun of himself.
Prince Harry. Such a cute little ginger. xD
David Boreanaz. AKA Angel. So sexy when he's staring at the camera.
David Henri. Justin Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place. Don't judge me.
Day 15: A photo of someone you fancy at the moment
BAHAHA! No. See above. =D
Day 16: If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your life?
Hyperventilate, but be with my grama.
Day 17: What do you want to be when you're older?
Ugh. A librarian, I guess.
Day 18: Name the tv show you have become addicted to
Teen Mom 2 (no judging! It's AWESOME to know other people's lives suck worse than mine!)
Day 19: A list of all the places you lived at
Greenville, Goldsboro, and Kinston, all in NC and all within 100 miles of each other. xD
Day 20: Concerts you've attended
Ha...well, no one you guys would think was cool. I've been to a lot of bluegrass concerts.
Day 21: Turn on's and off's
Smartness...if I have to dumb down my conversations, it's a huge turn off, much like long hair. I also like a sense of humor, and for them to want things with their lives (my past few bfs were content to work their minimum-wage jobs forever).
Day 22: A picture of what you wore today
No picture, but I'm wearing blue pajama bottoms with yellow polkadots and a purple ECU shirt. ~~~Matchitutde.
Day 23: A letter to someone. Anyone.
Dear kitty cat,
Why must you sleep all day? Why must you sleep on my legs so that I cannot move? It's quite bothersome, and my feet are going to sleep because you're so fat.
The one who feeds you.
Day 24: Seven things that cross your mind a lot
2. *random piano music*
3. Did I remember to lock my car?
4. I should go check it.
5. No, I'm sure I did.
6. Did I?
7. Okay, I did. Gosh, I KNEW I did, whyyy did I have to check?
Day 25: Would you rather someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality?
Plain with an amazing personality. I'm not much of a looker myself, so personality is ~~moar importantful.
Day 26: What are some little things that make you feel warm and fuzzy?
Warm and fuzzy blankets.
Day 27: A picture of your handwriting
You guys have seen it already. xD
Day 28: Do you wish for anything at 11:11?
If I realize it's 11:11. It usually involves me finishing school.
Day 29: Picture of yourself
THIS GUY!!! This guy is my homedizzle. Fo' rizzle.
Day 30: Anything you want to post about
Did you know that bunny rabbits have no problem hopping uphill, but because of their low, horizontal shape, they have great difficulty hopping down hill, and will roll?