The Other Side of Loving a Time Lord Pairing: Five/Tegan Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Rating: PG Word Count: 676 Summary: Tegan wakes in an empty bed and...angst ensues.
This is totally non-canon and fits in with my pup notheathrow's adventures over at brb_gallifrey. For the sake of context, this little fic takes place shortly before this.
The Lady Stirs Pairing: Five/Tegan Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 370 Summary: The Doctor muses as he watches Tegan sleep.
Just a bit of drabble. I blame faience for this. Her angsty Five will not get out of my head. Also, I wrote this at 5 am and it's unbeta'd, so...yeah. Enjoy the angsty fluff.
Turlough sighed and rolled his eyes upwards, contemplating the iron cuffs binding his wrists. Really, he should have been used to this by now. He did seem to get himself in these messes quite frequently. It was practically routine at this point. Wander off despite the Doctor's orders to stay put, get caught by a guard or
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