
Jun 30, 2006 13:41

You can all call me Professor Robidoux. I am the head of house for Gryffindor. In this class I will be teaching you Divination, however this course is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. If you don't have the intuition then you will have to work harder then the rest of the class to keep up. This is why I offer extra help in this course and this course only. You learn to meditate, read tarot, tea leaves and palmistry. You will learn how the human brain works and how to build up your intuition where you can sense when something is about to happen. You will have to write me reports, turn in homework paper and even tests at the end of each lesson. This course is for those who can handle the work. If you cannot keep up I recommend either speaking to me about it or joining another class.

Grading Scale
+20 All Work is done complete, no spelling errors, effort was put into the work and it is 100% correct.
+15 You did the work, there was little errors but effort was put into your work and you got almost all the questions correct.
+10 Your work could of been better there were plenty of spelling errors and you only got half the questions right.
+5 You did poorly but you did put effort into the work even if most of the questions were wrong.
-5 You didn't apply yourself and your paper was a complete waste of time.
-10 You didn’t hand anything in at all.

I don't accept late work, I assume a week should be long enough for you to complete all your work. You have until Saturday morning to turn in your papers. If it is not in by then and you didn't notify me about an extension it will be -10 house points.

Lesson 1.
Lesson 2.
Lesson 3.
Lesson 4.
Lesson 5.
Tea Leaves
Lesson 6.
Ball Gazing
Lesson 7.
Mirror Images
Lesson 8.
Fortune telling

I expect all home work to be emailed to me at gryffindor_founder@msn.com, make sure when you email the paper to me the subject line says what the lesson is. Ex. Lesson 1. Homework. Or Lesson 3. Test. If you have a question please email me at the same address. Ex. Lesson 1. Question. Or Course Question. If you email me homework and the subject line is incorrect points will be taken away.

If you care to join this class please fill out the below application and leave it in a comment form so I can add you to the roster.


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