Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans

Jun 29, 2006 23:22

Name: Karissa
Age: 18
Location: Southbridge, MA
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 28,1988
Astrology Sign: Cancer

Out of all the characters in Harry Potter who do you feel you have most in common with and why?: Mrs. Weasley because I grew up in a low poverty family with a lot of kids and I had to clean up after them and help take care of them. And in a way I felt like the mom cause I had to take care of them while my mom was woking and my dad was never around so I always played the role of being a parent.
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter and why?: Harry Potter because he's the main character and while reading the books i got to know his personality the best. I like the fact that he's the hero and he's the most daring.
What is your favorite part out of all the books?: My favorite part of the book in #3 The Prisoner of Azkaban was when Hermione used the time turner to save Sirius, because it was unexpected and throughtout the whole book they were leading you with clues as to how Hermione was getting to class on time and it was shoking when they revealed it.
What is your least favorite part?: When Cedric Diggory was killed by Lord Voldemort in the graveyard.

Why should you be in Gryffindor: I like being around people and have fun and party. I can be loud and react without thinking first at times.
Why should you not be in Gryffindor: I'm not bold or outspoken and not very brave. Also i'm not concieded, I'm more self conscience than anything.

Why should you be in Ravenclaw: I think before I act and I don't jump to conclusions, if I apply myself I could do really good in school.
Why should you not be in Ravenclaw: I'm not the brightest of people, I'm more creative than logical. I'm not really a bookworm or anything like that.

Why should you be in Slytherin: I'm an ambitious person and I know what I want in life and i know how to get it. I would do just about anything to get what I want. I have a select amount of people that i trust and would go to for help and advice. And I'm very loyal to that group of freinds.
Why should you not be in Slytherin: I don't support Voldemort or racism.

Why should you be in Hufflepuff I'm very loyal to my friends and family and the people that i trust. I'm a very forgiven person and I've also been know to be "too nice." I'm an outcast.
Why should you not be in Hufflepuff To people who aren't my friends I'd walk over to get what i need and i'm not afraid to take something i want. And I'm not a push over and i can have an attitude at times.

What are your opinions on Muggles?: I think that they are very ungrateful and undeserving of what they have. They complain about not having the finer things in life when they should be happy for what they have.
What about Muggle-Borns being in Hogwarts: I don't really have a problem with it they should be allowed to learn magic too as long as they don't use it for human purposes.
Describe yourself in five words and give details to why you chose each word: Truthful-because i try to tell the truth as much as possible and I'm not one of those people who lie just to get what they want or lie to get themselves out of trouble.
Determined- I'm a very determined person I know what I want and how to get it and I would do just about anything to get it.
Forgiving- I always forgive and forget, even if they done the worse thing possible I would still forgive them.
Loyal- I'm very loyal to the friends and family I have.
Nice- I've been known to be "too nice" to people which I can't help I'm just to nice!
What would you like to accomplish before you die?: I just want to die happy and not alone.
What is your dream career?: To be a well known chef and open my own restuarant.
What’s the hardest thing that you’ve had to over come in your life?: My first heartbreak.
What was the main thing you learned out of it?: Not to trust guys
If you had one wish and one wish only what would it be?: To be happy
Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?: Hopefully a chef in my own restuarant if not then on my way there.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?: Married with children...and owning my own restuarant.
What is your favorite past time: All the good times I had hanging out with my best friend Kristie!
What are some of your hobbies: Drawing, painting, art, and cooking
What's your favorite book outside Harry Potter: A Child Called It
What's your favotite classes in school: English and History
What are you most scared of?: The dark
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