This is the beta sign-up form for
marauderbigbang. Just please copy the form into a comment and complete it! Preliminary sign-ups will close on June 13, 2010.
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Comments 19
LJ Name: wrockthetardis
Over 18?: Yes.
If no to above, are you 16 or older?:
Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them. I have.
Tell us a little bit about your specialties and abilities. Let us know what you're willing and able to beta... and what you're not willing and able to beta.
Willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, het/slash/gen...): Anything and everything.
Not willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, squicks...): -
Specialties (canon, characterization, constructive criticism, britpicking, art, other...): Canon, spelling.
How many authors/artists are you willing to beta? I can handle 2, I think.
When would you be available to be assigned as a beta? As soon as I'm needed.
Are you familiar with any other fandoms (for possible crossover entries)? I'm super familiar with Doctor Who, Dexter, House, and several others.
Other remarks (availability, notice needed, etc.): -
Name: Andy
LJ Name: andymort
Over 18?: Yes
If no to above, are you 16 or older?: -
Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them. Yes!
Willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, het/slash/gen...): Hm, anything with a pairing, preferably Remus slash. Anything goes, though, except those listed below.
Not willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, squicks...): Slash involving Peter, unhappy endings, crack!fic. Am very squicked by bloodplay, but can manage some.
Specialties (canon, characterization, constructive criticism, britpicking, art, other...): Characterization, constructive criticism.
How many authors/artists are you willing to beta? One's enough for me, thanks.
When would you be available to be assigned as a beta? As soon as I'm needed.
Are you familiar with any other fandoms (for possible crossover entries)? Fullmetal Alchemist, Torchwood, Lord of the Rings, and I'm pretty ( ... )
LJ Name: norisis
Email: norisis[at]gmail[dot]com
Over 18?: Yes
If no to above, are you 16 or older?: N/A
Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them.
Tell us a little bit about your specialties and abilities. Let us know what you're willing and able to beta... and what you're not willing and able to beta.
Willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, het/slash/gen...): Gen, James/Lily, one-sided Severus/Lily (i.e. Lily does not reciprocate) or any other 'canonical pairings'. I will read up to R.
Not willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, squicks...): No slash, incest, Snape/Lily, Sirius/Lily or other non-canonical pairings. No Peter bashing. I'm not going to be able to give constructive crit on smut. I'd rather avoid NC-17 fics and subversive/violent fics. I can't beta art, having little/no skill in that area...
Specialties (canon, characterization, constructive criticism, britpicking, art, other...):I'm pretty handy with the Brit-picking ( ... )
LJ Name: sayanythinglisa
Over 18?: Yes.
Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them. Yes.
Tell us a little bit about your specialties and abilities. Let us know what you're willing and able to beta... and what you're not willing and able to beta.
Willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, het/slash/gen...): Anything.
Not willing to beta (pairings, ratings, genres, squicks...): I don't think I'd like a crossover, but nothing besides that.
Specialties (canon, characterization, constructive criticism, britpicking, art, other...): Constructive criticism, spelling/grammar, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good with canon and characterization.
How many authors/artists are you willing to beta? Just one author.
When would you be available to be assigned as a beta? Anytime!
Are you familiar with any other fandoms (for possible crossover entries)? This is too difficult to answer. If I must do a crossover, we can talk about specifics later? I know, I fail.
Other ( ... )
Name: anne
LJ Name: Tamara_the_muse
Over 18?: No
If no to above, are you 16 or older?: yes
Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them. indeed I have
Tell us a little bit about your specialties and abilities. Let us know what you're willing and able to beta... and what you're not willing and able to beta.I'm good with grammar and other technicalities. I tend to be comma heavy, which is not always good but something to keep in mind. I'm willing to beta most fics with plot. So, no complete smug fics. The pairing doesn't matter to me, though I'm not a huge fan of cross-generational pairings. I'd prefer slash or femslash, but I'm good with het as well. I'd rather not do crossovers, and/or graphic rape/torture/etc. fics. Also, I'm not great with epics, so anyone who's chosen to way, way overshoot the goal should probably find someone with a longer attention span.
Willing to ( ... )
You're welcome to sign up for as many things as you feel you can handle. :)
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