Personal Information:-
Name: Amanda
Age: 15
Experience:New to role playing games altogether.
E-mail Address:
boxedcrayon125@yahoo.comPersonal Journal: boxedcrayon125
Character Information:-
House of preference: Gryffindor
Name: Molly Prewett
Age: 7th year
Gender: Female
Wand Details: Unicorn Hair, 10 3/4 inches made of cherry.
Personality: Outspoken, studies hard and has alot of friends.
Appearance: long brown hair, brown eyes, thin
History: My plans would be just to follow the story line as is, maybe adding a few sub plot lines here and there. Can't really think right now, my brother and cousin are fighting (again).
Defining Qualities: brave when she has to be and has gotten good grades in all of her classes since her first year.
Played By:Elizabeth Montgomery
Sample Post:
As Molly walked across the castle grounds she noticed Regalus and Rodolphus talking in extremely low voices. She knew something was up, just not what yet. "Hey, Molly come here for a minute." called Sirius. Molly walked over to where he, James, Peter and Remus were sitting under a large beech tree. "Have you noticed that Regalus and Rodolphus have been talking in whispered voices a lot lately?" asked Remus. "Yeah, I have." Molly answered. "Well, I think we should have a long discussion tonight in the common room after everybody goes to bed." stated Sirius.
That night in the common room, Molly, James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius sat around the fire in deep discussion of recent events. "Well, I think that the Slytherins are up to something illegal" Sirius said. All the others agreed with this statement. "Lately the Slytherins have been really secretive and talking in hushed voices while they are walking along the corridors and on the grounds." Once again the others agreed. "Well, I think we are all in very real danger. I don't think Hogwarts is as safe as it once seemed anymore and even Professor McGonagall thinks something is up because I pulled her aside and asked her yesterday after Transfiguration." James added. "I think that we should all be on the alert untill we hear something different." With that the group got up and climbed the stairs to their respected dormitories.