Looks like I'm late in posting again.
My life as of late:
- Went to Tokyo, and finally went to the Ueno Zoo.
- Went to Osaka. Had good Italian at this restaurant. Missed my last train home. I was really tired so rather than attempt to walk around a town I don't know well late at night trying to find a hotel I just took a taxi. Only 12000-yen. Luckily the binoculars I lost that day were at the lost and found the next day.
- Taught my second years twice this month! I love those kids more and more. In fact, after graduation I made some promise to give me their buttons - and one said he would give me his 2nd one (aka the one by his heart aka the one meant for their girlfriends) if he doesn't have a girlfriend next year.
- Had my last elementary classes. The best class at the bad school gave me a sign board. Many kids wrote that they had fun and liked English. A few wrote that they didn't like English until I taught them. All of the 5th years at the good school wrote me short letters. Some were fun. Most were sweet. Don't know why they wrote to me since I'll probably see them next school year anyway.
- My third years graduated. I love those kids. There are so many that I love and so many memories. I didn't cry though, but that may be more because I don't really cry than anything else. I'll miss them - even the pervy ones. I got lots of pictures, got some (but not all of the kids I like) to sign my graduation album (only 7000-yen!), and got some presents (a piece of chocolate, a key chain, and 3 buttons. haha). I wanted more buttons from the kids, but by the time I remembered most of them had left (I suck, I know). The first kid that I said "give me something" gave me the chocolate instead of a button (even though I was thinking button lol). I didn't go to the teacher's party after graduation though, but partly because of my mood leading up to graduation.
- More and more I feel like I am back in high school. Except now I am more equipped to deal with the shit and thus it doesn't bother me as much. But it still sucks. It has put a huge damper on a lot of things that should be happy - and has been for some time. I thought it would get better but it really seems to only be getting worse. Or maybe I am just growing up more but haven't let other parts of me catch up.
- Saw my kids play baseball twice (and got the coaches even more on my good side), and have run into many out at the stores since then. I miss a lot because they hang in the arcade and there is no reason for someone my age to go there alone. Or even really to go at all, but at least I can claim I am doing purikura if I am with someone.
- Cooked with different classes. Three of the graduating classes (some of my favorite boys didn't come though, or they harassed me), and two of the first year classes (where I made friends with some new kids). The home-ec teacher is great and seems to genuinely appreciate my coming since I can do her cooking while she helps the kids.
- Discovered some new music through CSI.
- Want to read more but don't want to deal with having a bunch of books to take care of when I have to move again. The amazon book reader thing would be nice if it wasn't so expensive (twindle I think it is called).
- I'm debating about what to do during my spring vacation. Maybe a few day trips since I have a list of places to visit.
If I feel up to it I may post some pics later on this week.