In writing ‘Identity and Boldly Blessed Attraction’ I had great help.
Debris_K provided inspiration and thorough beta. I'll explain how it all started.
Introduction to Identity and Boldly Blessed Attraction
The idea for my story 'Identity and Boldly Blessed Attraction' started when
Debris_K confided in me about her disappointment when F/K stories have Fraser call Kowalski ‘Stan’. She immediately had my sympathy. I mean, jeez, don’t people watch ‘Eclipse’ or something? Debris came up with an alternative alternative name for Ray. Which I liked. At my request, she also coughed up an alternative name for Fraser. Which I liked as well. The name theme of the fic was born. To give it more ‘meaning’, I broadened it to an identity theme.
About the beta. Debris was a great help: writing the story took a couple of weeks; beta-ing and reworking it took months. In the final stage, I found myself very attached to some details that I didn’t change despite Debris’s repeated appeals. (D. thinks I’m stubborn, can you imagine?) If the story isn’t ‘perfect’, Debris may be right-not about most things, but about all of them.
I wrote the fic along the lines of 27 songs of a rather famous pop group from last century’s seventies and eighties. Although I didn’t insert any lyrics in the story, I put quite some effort in finding the right match between song titles and lyrics on the one hand and chapter titles and contents on the other. Debris advised me to provide readers with background information about the songs I used, so they could see for themselves if I did a good job. This background information is in the addendum to the story.
Identity and Boldly Blessed Attraction (I)