Feb 19, 2007 00:07
Essence Mei was born Feb 17, 2007 12:47am 5lbs 2 oz 17 in long!
On Friday, the 16th, I went in for an Ultrasound to check my fluids and was told to go straight to the hospital for an induction as I had barely any fluids at all. I arrived at the hospital at 10 am, was given a vaginal insert to start thinning my cervix before they were to give me the pitocin to start contractions. At first check I was - 3 station, 0 effacement, 0 dilation. I never got around to the pitocin as the insert carried me from point zero to the very end. No drugs either...I was so HAPPY about that. I almost broke down and got an epidural but by the time they were even able to actually give me one I was ready to push. Two pushes later and Emmie entered the world. We are now home, doing well and breastfeeding like champs!