first of all, don't know if you all noticed (I've only mentioned in comments) but
I am keeping a running list of birth dates, updated each time I see a birth announcement posted, in my journal. I figured it's best to keep it there since I nearly never post in the journal itself, so it'll be super easy to find, just click my username and there it is (until I post my birth story, then you'll have to scroll down a tad). if the moderator ever wants to add this to the userinfo, it's all right there for her.
in other news, I guess I'm officially a march mommy. not yet, of course, but another 4.5 weeks is highly unlikely, I was suspecting end of ferburary was an option, but I guess baby had other plans. now that it's the 1st, I think I'll become more patient. my midwife moved as of today. I kind of hoped I'd squeeze in my birth when she still lived half an hour away, but now that she's in her new place, 2 hours away, it makes no difference to me if the birth is today or next week. she said don't wait it out to see if it's the real thing, just call and she'd be on her way.
I also finally ordered Milk Diapers, the nursing pads highly recommended by someone in this comm. kind of last minute.. I guess we'll see what comes first, the pads or my need for them :P