Mar 10, 2007 15:34
Grace Addison was born at 3:34 pm on March 8, 2007. She weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and was 20.5 in long.
I went to the hospital at 6:30 am for an induction and it turns out I was having contractions before they started the pitocin. I just thought it was cramps. I had been having them since my previous dr appointment when I was hooked up to the fetal moniter and it didn't show any signs of contractions.
They started the pitocin just after 7 a.m. They broke my water just after 11 since I was still stuck at 4 cm (I was 3.5 when I went in). That's when the real contractions started!! By 1:30 I asked for morphine. I was 5-6 cm at that point. It didn'y take all the pain away, but it took away the unbearable pain. Just after 3 I told my mom, "Go get the nurse! I have to push!!" I was 9 cm when she came in to check me. Before they were done setting up I could baely keep from pushing. 20 min of pushing is all it took to get my bundle out.
I'll have pictures within the next couple of days!