In which SandyPaw describes her c section, daughter and recent experiences in disjointed, sleep deprived short sentences.
Well. We've been home for nearly a week, but the phone line has been on the fritz, so I haven't been able to contact anyone on LJ or email regarding our newest addition.
Lily was born by c section on March 20th at 4.01pm. The section was not nice, but it was over relatively quickly and we have a beautiful girl as a result. She was 6lb 8.5oz and 19in long.
I'm too frazzled to write a birth story and considering it wasn't huge fun I don't know that I will. However, I can say happily that I bawled like the girl I am when she was born. She is beautiful, with dark brown hair and a (so far) placid personality.
The hospital stay was nice enough I guess, but the midwives made up for any lack I felt.
Breastfeeding didn't happen. Just didn't happen. I'm upset but not devastated as it is just par for the course for me.
Rowan is taking it all in his stride, and isn't showing any particular jealousy toward his sister. I presume this is because we are trying very hard to make time for him alone and have moved heaven and earth to ensure that his routine hasn't been mucked up by the arrival of a baby.