1. Name: Paulina
2. Location: Houston, TX
3. Age: 30
4. When are you due? Was due March 6 but had the baby February 26.
5. Are you having a boy, girl, or surprise? Boy
6. Do you have any other children? No.
Corwin Andrew Blodgett Harper
Born February 26, 2007 at 5:54 p.m.
Weighed 9 lbs, 3 oz and was 22" long
He had his 2-month well-baby checkup on May 2, and weighed 14 lbs, 15 oz and was 24" long. I'm not sure that the length measurement is correct, as he was 23 3/4" long at his 1-month checkup, and I'm pretty sure he grew more than a quarter-inch in that time -- he got too long for his 0-3 month outfits during that time for one thing. He's exclusively breastfed (with the occasional bottle of EBM when his grandparents or dad are watching him while I'm out somewhere), and generally healthy as a horse.
That said, we have our share of challenges. He is still pooping many times per day (none of this once every 48 hours or even less often that I keep reading about). He doesn't sleep well consistently. He usually goes to sleep between 9 and 10 p.m. (though tonight and last night it was 11:00 by the time we got him to sleep) and sleeps 'til between 9 and 10 a.m. But he wakes to eat anywhere from 2 to 6 times during that 12ish hour period. He also doesn't nap consistently at all. Some days he takes a half-hour nap in the morning and a 3-or-so hour nap in the afternoon. Other days, I'm lucky if he sleeps a total of an hour all day (and not all at one time, either) -- those days, he's terribly fussy and darn near drives me crazy.
Breastfeeding has been going well for us. Unfortunately, I came down with mastitis yesterday, and that was a miserable experience. It came on in a matter of hours...Tuesday afternoon/evening, my breast was sore but looked normal and I didn't worry about it at all really. Wednesday morning, it was more sore, but still looked normal. By 11:30 a.m. it was looking red around the areola, and I called the doctor, and got an appointment for that afternoon. I was also starting to feel headachy and run-down and wanted to go to bed. By the time I saw the doctor, I was having chills and fever and the entire side of my breast was red. I just wanted to curl up in bed and do absolutely nothing. I got an antibiotic from the doctor, and took some Motrin when I got home. The Motrin broke the fever, and I have felt fine since then...aside from the sore breast, which I still have.
Here's a picture from late April, grinning in the rocking chair:
Here he is making his o-face:
A close-up, with his aunt:
Another rocking chair shot, from May 5: